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The next day,Felix was in his business lesson and heard everyone talking about something apparently 'bad'. Felix looked around, Felix sat next to this girl called Yeji so he leaned over and asked what was wrong. "Uh Yeji what is everyone talking about?" "Didnt you hear??

Apparently this man got his ass beat by a kid from our school from the local corner store near campus. They are are trying to find out who did it" Felix then stopped,stone cold.

"W-what? Well who d-do you think did it?.." "I don't know but they must have made that student really angry to attack them like that you know?"

Felix just stopped,his breathing quickened,was it Hyunjin? He thought to himself. His hands shook again.

He felt anger,sadness and frustration.

"I gotta go-" "oh uh-"

Felix picked his bag up and left the class room,the teacher wasn't even there so he didn't really care.

He walked along in the hall way then soon saw the principal in his office with a man who was beat up bad with stitches and bandages.

Felix then moved from the office window,back against the wall,breathing heavily and faster as his chest rose up and down,shaking from fear. "What the fuck,what the fuck!" He whispered to himself.

That wasn't the man who talked to Felix.

Hyunjin beat up an innocent man.

Felix was panicking, he ran back to the dorms. As he was runnjng he kept thinking, 'why would he do it,why would he do it' he made a sharp left turn and bumped into someone, "ah sorry!" He looked up and it was BangChan, "watch where your going next time" he walked past him. "Jeez, can't believe I made out with a snob-"

He turned back into his original thoughts and arrived at Hyunjins dorm,as soon as he was about to start banging on his door,he opened it unexpectedly. "What the fuck?"

"Uhh what are you talking ab-"

"You know what I'm talking about."

Felix walked in side the dorm and shut the door. "Why did you do it?"

Hyunjin had his hands in his pocket,he looked to the side.

"Why did you FUCKING do it!"

"Because he fucking hurt you!"

"No he didn't!! God!! What the fuck is your problem? You can't go beating up people that make me sad! Do you want to go to prison?!"

"You don't fucking get it Felix. You just don't. You don't talk to me about anything,you come here,CRYING? And you shut me out as soon as we are going somewhere, what the actual fuck?!"

"How many times will I say this?! IT WASNT HIM!!"


Hyunjin said as he got closer to him.

Felix stopped. Tears over flowed his eyes. He just couldn't

Hyunjin breathed out,clearly stressed abs ran his fingers through his hair.

He grabbed his Hands. "Please....Lix?"

"Hyunjin stop. I don't think I can do this anymore."

Hyunjins facial expression changed quite fast into a concerned one.

"What do you mean by that Lix? What?-"

"We genuinely can't be together anymore. I don't even think this was a relationship..."

"To me it was!" "But what about how I feel?" Hyunjin stopped. His eyebrows furrowed. "Why are you doing this,please I'm gonna fight for us!!"

Felix looked up at him,clearly angry.

"I hate us"

Felix yanked his hands out of Hyunjins grip and walked past him. He opened the door and left.

Hyunjin....was so upset. Tears formed under neath his eyes.

He tried wiping them away;his stern facial expression appeared and tried acting normal,but it wasn't.

End of Chapter||013

"I hate us"Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang