CHAPTER 7: Run Home Koda

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All of us were back at the Dinosaur Museum. "Amber Beach Earthquakes are going all the way to the finals this year and leading the way from these humble beginnings, is our newest player, Koda!" Ted announced. Koda stood up from his spot and waves at the audience. Everyone is clapping for him.

"Go Koda!" Shelby said. "Before we get started, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Riley Griffin, I'm Koda's personal trainer and coach. we have any questions for my man?" Riley said. Everyone started to raise their hands.

"Yeah, yeah, in the red tie" Riley said as he pointed to the man. "Koda, how long have you been playing baseball?" the guy asked. "My mother said, I born with club in hand" Koda said to the man. "They said that you like to play barefooted?" the guy asked. Koda nodded as he brought his foot onto the table to show everyone. "Shoes squish toes" Koda said.

"Is this what Koda really wants?" Kendall asked. "Riley says that it is" Shelby said. "Koda, where were you born?" the guy asked. "Oh, born on Mammoth Hunt..." Koda started to say but he got interrupted by Riley. "Woah, ok, see you out in the fields" Riley said. 


All of us were now at the stadium. "I think Koda's up next!" I said. "I'm getting really nervous!" Shelby said. "Not to worry, I've managed to bring my lucky ram's horn" Ivan said. "Your what?" I questioned sceptically. Ivan blew into the horn as it made a sound.

Koda got onto the field. All of us were watching nervously. Koda hit the baseball and it was a homerun. Everyone stood up and cheered.


After that day, Riley has been coaching Koda to be prepared for the next few games. All of us were back at the base. "I've developed a new Dino Charger with the Red, Black, Blue, Green, Pink, Talon and Yellow Energems. It will allow you to channel the Energems wavelength to create a final strike. I call it...the Dino Victory Charger" Kendall said.

"One question: how did you add the Talon and Yellow Energems onto the Dino Charger without Kanan and Keigo's Energems?" I asked. "I have added their Energem data from the laptop to make sure that their Energems would be added onto the Dino Charger. Also, they will be testing the Dino Victory Charger with you when Kanan, Keigo and Hizashi come back from Japan" Kendall replied as they nodded their heads in agreement. 

"Nothing can stop us now" Ivan said. Koda and Riley entered the base. "Ok, they said that hitting a majority fast ball is the hardest thing to do in all of sports. I know how to play the game but I don't have your ability" Riley said.

"Hey guys!" Shelby said. "What's up?" Riley asked. "Miss Morgan managed to develop the new Dino Victory Charger that taps into both of your Energem Powers" Chase said. "We need the both of you to join us to test it out" Ivan said.

"Ok" Koda said. "No way. We have batting practice and sprints. I'm sorry guys, the testing is going to have to wait so all of us can try it out" Riley said while referring to Kanan and Keigo who is in Japan with Hizashi. "Wait until when? That sports monster is still out there and this new Dino Charger is going to help us get ready and we can wait for the others to come back so they can try the Dino Charger out with us" I said.

"Riley, we have to be ready" Koda said. "And we will, trust me. Come on Koda, let's go" Riley said. "Sorry guys" Koda said. The two of them left the base.


All of us were looking at the screen. "It appears to be a thousand Vivix, maybe even more" Kendall said. Koda and Riley entered the base. "Miss Morgan discovered a band of alien scallywags" Ivan said. "We have to figure out on what they are up to" I said. "Now? The championship game is in an hour" Riley said.

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