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I was really getting sick of just walking while my brother was riding a horse. He could have at least asked if I wanted to be on the horse with him instead of ignoring me. Was this the punishment for yesterday or was this just him hating me? Who knows! It might be even both!

Oh well I was really getting tired walking and honestly I didn't even realize how far I was walking away from home at all. This was definitelly more than an hour walk back but then again what did I expect? I was absically walking around aimlessly.

Derrick: Why didn't you take any guards with you?

Me: Am I a prisoner?

Derrick: No.

Me: Then why do I need guards?

Derrick: You are a noble lady and you are wearing our family name Eckhart. There are there to protect you.

Me: Oh really? Then why am I walking like a prisoner right now and why did the guards at the door laugh at me for being kicked out? Do you realy believe what you are saying yourself cause I am not.

Alright, I should have said this sooner but there are actually some likability status above each persons head but I didn't care about that since I could use magic and basically get away with evrything. I might not be the best but I could still stop time and make it look as if I vanished. It was a hard spell and it was taking a troll on my body but it would definitely be worth using before I die. Who knows, I might even find a nice place to hide and live under a different name. That is if everything goes wrong but I still refused to play by the book and this systems rule. I would never lick their feet just so that they could like me. If I die, then so be it! At least I died being myself and not someone who is hiding behind a mask.

Derrick: Pene-

Me: Don't! It's not worth this argument young Duke.

Derrick: ....

It seemed as if that really solved everything but I was still walking ahead of him like a prisoner until we got to the Eckhart's estate. There I found the guards again and they looked visible tense. I couldn't help but yelp at them as well as bark when we passed them which got me scolded by my brother but I didn't care at all. I was the mad dog and I proved that today for sure.

When we got inside the mansion, I had the butler ready there to escort me to my father but I decided to ignore the butler. Instead he was following me until I arrived to my room.

Me: Tell the duke that I will repent for my action as I always do and don't want to be bothered by anyone.

I was showing them the cold shoulder and I know that the butler was just doing his job but I had enough of this bullshit for a day and just got into my room. I think the next thing I did was actually moving this heavy chair in front of the door so that no one could come inside and so I could be left alone. 

Finally some peace!

Honestly that kid... he was brave and cute but I shouldn't associate with them anymore.

It can get dangerous if Winter gets interested in me... he is the one helping Ivonne after all.

Come to think of it, maybe I should actually start searching for her myself and bring her back.

Will this change anything?

Maybe they can let me go after that.

I don't want to be part of this family after all.... 

But... where do I go?

What do I do?

I don't have much money... do I even have money?

I could probably sell some jewelries but for how long will this carry me?

Me: *sigh*  I really need to find something to do while I am here....

While I was alone in my room, I started to think about what I should do. Best end scenario would be them abandoning me in one of their estates outside just for their family vacations where I could be all alone and in the worst case I would be on the streets again. I didn't liked that thought but I had to do something and that something meant supporting myself. 


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