- small concerns.

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•˖* ℘
— ⚡︎ ℘ heartstopper
•˖* ℘

——      𝕿her rest of the term went by swimmingly for Skylar and her friends. Although, she was beginning to get slightly concerned with the distance being put between herself and her boyfriend.

        It had been quite a few days since the pair had met up after school, so they only really saw each other for a couple of minutes before their academic day started.

        In fact, Nick had even forgotten to visit her because he was too busy hanging out with Charlie Spring after school. So, with the weight of meeting her boyfriend everyday after school off her her shoulders, Skylar decided to focus more on her rounders.

        The season was starting up again and she had gotten news of a suspected game in the half-term and she was super excited. It felt like ages since she had played so now she could finally show off her growing skills and make Nick proud of her.

        The cafeteria was loud and bustling, Skylar and her friends being the main cause of all this noise. She silently pulled out her phone and swiped onto her chats with Nick.


hey! i have a rounders game in
the break, sometime between the
first saturday and the first tuesday
do u think u could make it? xx

of course, i'll keep those days
free just for you❤️xx

thanks you're the best🤭xx

——        𝕿hankfully for Skylar, Nick was supposed to be coming around to her house later that day, so perhaps she could approach him about the Charlie situation. It wasn't something she was too worried about, but it was a small concern that floated in the back of her mind.

        "You alright, love?" Nicole asked, their arms linked together as they walked towards Truham.

        "Yeah, I'm fine." Skylar nodded, smiling at her friend. "Just have to talk to Nick about something."

        "If he's done something wrong, I'll smack him." Nicole threatened, making Skylar burst out laughing.

        "No, he's done nothing wrong. It's just something that's been bothering me recently." She replied once she has her giggling controlled.

        "Alright, well... if you ever need to talk, you know I'm still here, right?" Nicole nudged her shoulder, "Like, you don't need to talk to that ginger prick all the time."

        "You only think he's a prick because he's dating me!" Skylar chuckled, looking up at her friend with a shocked look.

        "Well yeah! You were my girlfriend first!" Nicole joked, her smile fading as she got more serious. "But seriously, I'm always here."

        "I know, and you know the same goes for me." Skylar smiled, resting her cheek on the leather of Nicole's jacket as they waited outside the boys school.

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