- late night worries.

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•˖* ℘
— ⚡︎ ℘ heartstopper
•˖* ℘

—— 𝕸um was home. Not only could Skylar tell by the stench of alcohol in her home, but also because the door was left unlocked. Julia Winchester had a tendency to forget simple, basic things when drunk. The woman was useless, and Skylar often believed that she'd be better off without her mother.

Speaking of the devil, the blonde woman laid on the sofa, her right arm up and her left one dangling off the end of the sofa. She was black out drunk. Her daughter contemplated putting a blanket over her, but nearly laughed at the idea that had popped into her head. Instead, deciding to flip her off and walk upstairs and hide in her room.

Before she went into her room, she knocked on the door opposite hers, and waited to hear a hum of approval before walking in.

Ollie was lying in bed, scrolling through TikTok. He looked up from his phone and smiled at his sister.

"Hey, bed time in 10, okay?" Skylar smiled back, standing in the doorway.

"Okay." Ollie agreed, turning back over and pulling the sheets up to his chin, his phone being hidden.

"Did you see mum when you came in?" She asked, her voice quiet as if she could possibly wake her mother up from her drunken coma.

"No, she came in like an hour ago." Ollie mumbled, not facing his sister. "Made a right noise though."

"Okay, goodnight." Skylar said, earning a muffled 'night' in return. Ollie was never one to talk for prolonged periods of time, especially at night.

Skylar threw her bag in the floor and quickly got changed, using a makeup wipe to remove her makeup. She grabbed her phone from the end of her bed and reclined, relaxing into her bed sheets.


skylar i rlly need you to answer
this is an emergency.
like a big emergency and i can't
talk to anyone else about this.

what's up??

stop abandoning me to make
out with ur ginger bf groundlar

don't ever call me that again.

groundlar is funny lol
i had like the weirdest interaction
with someone today and now idk
how to feel.

i need a bit of a further
explanation. i cant do much
with that shitty summary.

ok so i was in form right, and
some year ten came in...

—— 𝕱orm time was beginning and Luke was sat next to Nick Nelson. They were chatting about random things, like how their Christmas Holiday was and what the got for the annual celebration.

A boy slipped into the chair beside Luke but they paid no mine to it, until Mr Lange spoke up.

"Charlie! That's not your seat. Luke swap seats with him."

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