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     "So, how'd you pull it off?" Foliage popped his neck as he sprawled out on the sofa while Purple secured the creaking trapdoor closed. "Y'know, the whole 'get a dead person back to their society' thing."

     The redhead hopped off the top of the ladder, striding over to the kitchen island in the corner of the room and pulling open a drawer. Taking a chocolate bar out and carefully peeling the wrap off, he snapped off a corner before answering.

     "It's pretty simple, actually- you do know just how fast rumors spiral here, right?" Purple sat down next to Foliage, tossing him half the chocolate. "If I'd just gone back to Server, the main reason why I might've died again would be because it was unbelievable. But when I texted Khaki..."

     "Then she would have at least some proof of your existence- and she's in a spot that's pretty easy to reach too!" Foliage continued the trail of thought. "And don't they have this group chat where everyone in Server's added in?"

     "She sent a screenshot and Snow approved it," Purple said. "And now they know there's a chance I've somehow come back- they're not that nosy, they don't need to find out how exactly. But I'm still alive, so I'm thinking it worked."

     "That's genius," Foliage replied as he bit into the chocolate. "Of course you'd be the type of person to take being talked about as the weirdo to your advantage."

     Purple just smiled, a softer, more childish pride taking over his features. "Oh, by the way, where do you think Lilac went?"

     "Right- Lilac! Didn't he say that he wanted to stay home?" Foliage perked up, looking around. "Wh- where'd he go?"

      "I dunno," Purple muttered. "I mean- the twin telepathy thing isn't working, I think he turned his receiving off... damn it, Lilac."

     "You guys can still do that?!" Foliage sounded genuinely surprised. "I mean, I know it happened a lot when we were little but like- I still don't get it."

     Purple scoffed. "You never had to get it. The amount of times you'd just randomly yell 'synchronize!' for us to just immediately say the same thing was insane."

     Foliage opened his mouth to argue, closed it, then opened it again. "Well, it worked, didn't it?"

     "It did," Purple agreed, taking a bite out of his chocolate bar. "But- seriously, though, where d'you think Lilac's gone?"

     "Mmm..." Foliage didn't respond much after that, absent mindedly staring at the table.

     Purple shifted his gaze to see what Foliage was staring at, finding a somewhat fancily folded letter on the wooden table. "Oh, are you looking at that?"

     "Looking at what?" Foliage's head suddenly popped up. He scanned over the table for anything he could've seen until his eyes fell on the letter as well. "Oh, that. No- yes- maybe?"

     "Maybe it's from Lilac," Purple said with a snicker. "He's always been this edgy ass villain."

     Foliage muttered something under his breath that sounded like "yeah, edgy ass" before snapping himself back to reality. "Should we check that thing?"

     "Why not?" And without waiting for an answer, Purple picked the paper up from the table and opened it to the neatly written lines that followed.


     Alright, I won't start of this letter- if you can call it a letter- with anything formal. Purple, give Foliage a chance to see this too, okay? It's for both of you, and I'm fairly certain you don't know how to share unless someone tells you so.

     Starting off with a crudely honest icebreaker; if you see this, I'm dead. No questions asked. I'm sorry I had to go like this but... there wasn't really a choice left for me. No, I'm not messing with you, you can ask Wild Card if you really need to know- just be careful.

     The past few weeks have been something of a ride in hell, with Purple's death, Foliage coming back from nowhere, Wild Card (yes, Wild Card), and... just- the pandemonium going through Server wasn't something I had expected to see when I came back. There was a lot that had happened, and I don't want to remember most of it. But I've always got to tell you something, haven't I?

     It starts out with Wild Card. Everything starts out with Wild Card. I don't know how this works, but there hasn't been a day since I wasn't possessed since I got stranded in that Dimension of Darkness. I'd just woken up- and the next thing I know, there's blood on my hands and Purple's dead body is in front of me.

     That was the breaking point- somehow, I'd managed to get so... scared, I'd pushed Wild Card's control over me away and kept it away. That's the main reason he'd wanted me dead.

     I think Foliage can fill in the rest if you ask him- if he doesn't remember, then go ask Time. That timeline moderator knows a lot more than any of us ever will, but I think he'll be gracious enough to give you the basic details.

     Purple; I'm sorry for everything. For how cryptically mad things have gotten here, for how insanely out of control things seemed. I was already surprised how you've managed to keep yourself alive- just, know when you need to put on a bit of a tough skin, okay? I'm going to trust you on that.

     Foliage. Thank you. Thank you so much for helping me through everything, keeping my motivation intact, and never leaving my side through all the mind-destroying things we've been through. I know you've had countless chances to walk away and save yourself, but you didn't- and I really owe it to you for that. I can't repay you with anything, now, but I just need to let you know how much that's honestly helped me through all of this.

     I know I sound like the emotionally sensitive bitch a certain redhead I know can be (Purple,) but I just needed to get that off my chest. And with that said, this is going to be my last farewell to you. Both of you.

     Sincerely, Lilac Marker.

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