Chapter 9

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Izuku pov :
It's finally the morning of the entrance exam! I'm so excited! I'm also really scared.. ugh dang nerves!!!

I get changed and head into the kitchen where my mum is making breakfast.

Me: morning mum!!

Mum: hey izu... how are you feeling? It's the entrance exam today..

Me: I can't wait mum!

Mum: I'm glad

I hug her and then leave. I couldn't eat breakfast.. I was so nervous! And I wasn't that hungry anyway..

I arrive at ua and omg! It's huge!!!! I'm gonna try my hardest!! Well not my hardest obviously.  I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings, so I suddenly trip. Oh shit!

Am I floating...?

???: I'm sorry I saw you falling and used my quirk on you!

Me: no it's okay thank you!

???: heh it wouldn't really be good luck if you fell right?

Me: yea ur right

???: talking about luck! Good luck on the exam!

Me: yeah good luck to you too.

She waved goodbye and then ran off. She seems nice! I continue to the hall of the written exam. It shouldn't be hard because I have an intelligence quirk.

I sit down and get the paper. I look around to see kids struggling, and then look back at my paper.
I look through the questions.. just as I thought. Easy.
I answer all the questions leaving a couple wrong to not raise suspicions. We were supposed to finish in 4hrs.. I managed to finish in 1. Oh well I step up and hand in my exam. The teacher looks shocked at how quick I was as well as some students, but whatever. I walk out the hall and go to the ua garden. It's quite nice and relaxing.

Suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder and look up to see a homeless looking man with black hair glaring at me. I immediately recognise him as the pro hero eraserhead! I was obsessed with heros when I was little, so I know a lot.

Me: a-ah.. hello sir eraser, is there anything I can help with?

He looks surprised.

Eraserhead: how did you know who I was?

Me: o-oh Im quite a fan of heros

Eraserhead: but im an underground hero?

Me: I know!!! The coolest kind!! You help people and you don't take the credit! Unlike a-lot of heros, you don't be a hero for fame or money! I think it's amazing!

Eraserhead: oh uh thanks? Anyway, what are you doing out here?

Me: oh I finished the exam and I thought I'd relax a bit before the physical exam.

Eraserhead: already? It's supposed to end in 2hrs?

Me: yeah I know. I guess I'm kinda smart...

I chuckle nervously.

Eraserhead: uhm okay? Well call me aizawa because people shouldn't really be calling me eraserhead off hours.

Me: okay mr aizawa!

He says goodbye and leaves. I check the time. It's still 3hrs till the exam...

I put on some headphones and listen to "rises the moon". It's really calming and I begin to drift off.

~509 words~

A/N the physical is next chapter! I'll probably write it later today. Or tmr? Idk it's 1am so technically today. Thank you for reading!!
Also sorry my writing isn't great. I'm not very creative 😅

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