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You didn't expect to see what you saw

You didn't know what they were or who they were, what they were doing even. All you know was that they had weird hair colors and tattoos. Pointed eyes and all in suits, aside for one..

The least you suspected was to run into a group of Men in an abandoned restaurant shooting two tied up Men

The one with white hair..The short one

He stared at you with dead eyes. He looked blank, as if he wasn't even wanting to show his emotion. There was another next to him, he had black hair. And when I tell you, he just looked shocked to see you

And then, there was the other three. Two had the same hair, one had pink. The pink one, oh God-

He looked crazy. Deranged, even. With a gun in his hand and a proud smile. The other two well, the taller one just looked careless. He had a lazy smile and leaned on the wall while the other just looked as blank as the guy with white hair

But all of them saw..


And in response..

You blinked rapidly, hand on your large stomach and eyes wide as you watched them "...Uhm..Bad time?"

You didn't know who the hell they were or what they were doing. They just looked...Weird doin' it. Just one thought ran in your head as their eyes connected with yours

What the fuck is goin' on

The one with the gun smirked and tilted his head, his pink hair laying on his shoulders as he turned her way "Not at all, Darling~ Why don't you come closer

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The one with the gun smirked and tilted his head, his pink hair laying on his shoulders as he turned her way "Not at all, Darling~ Why don't you come closer..?"

The Woman simply narrowed her eyes and cautiously stepped back..

She didn't trust this..

One thing, for the fact of the matter being- She was Pregnant. And she wasn't looking for anything to stress her out any further, especially with that gun out on display! I mean, then again, she was stepping into an abandoned restaurant so..

She rubbed her stomach and shook her head "...Yah, nah- I'm good" In turn, her (e/c) eyes stared him up and down. He was one of the few that were dressed in a suit. It looked nice but, who did he think he was to say that to her

"You should've thought about that before getting pregnant" The one with the gun walked closer and pointed the gun at her stomach. He then smirked and smiled at her, lifting his brows high as he looked to her belly teasingly "What was your Mother thinking, little one?"

How dare he!

The (s/t) Woman was in shock! She gaped and backed away, getting into a defensive stance to her best ability "So what if I was pregnant or not, I was just coming to check out the property!"

Little Miss Tiana (BN X Pregnant!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now