Buffy leaves. Riley stays a moment and looks at Professor Walsh as if seeking her approval of Buffy.

"I like her." Walsh says.

Riley smiles. Walsh gestures with her head as if to say go catch up to her. As if she can read Riley's mind.

Riley catches up to Buffy in the hall.

"I was going this way anyway." Riley says.

"Right." Buffy says.

"So it looks like we'll be spending a lot of time together." Riley says. "And I'll get to see you in professor Walsh's class again."

"As long as everyone's behaving themselves....should be fun." Buffy says.

"Behaving themselves?"

"Let's just keep things... professional, for now."Buffy says as she goes in another direction.

Riley smirks but also feels a little frustrated.

Buffy continues walking.

She does believe she has feelings for Riley but she's been down this road before and it hasn't worked out. It never works out, especially in her line of work.

Buffy arrives early for Rhys' class hoping to catch him by himself. She hadn't seen him since last semester. She guesses, checking in meant not at all in his book. Either way she was excited and curious as to where he and been, any news on octavia or just to catch up as friends. Although her plan fails. She sits alone while the class fills up. Then finally Rhys arrives late.

"Sorry, everybody." Rhys says putting his stuff down.

Rhys goes right into his lecture not giving a second to get settled in and not particularly looking in Buffy's direction.

"Right, wrong, terror, Revolution." Rhys says as he writes A Tale of Two Cities on the board. "All this and more will be explored in A Tale of Two Cities."

He goes through his lecture quickly, giving an introduction to this class and the book. Then exits the classroom fast. So much for catching up, Buffy thinks to herself.

Buffy decides to try and catch Rhys in his office. When she arrives his door is closed, it's never been closed before. She presses her ear against the door and hears-

"No, stop!"

Then a loud crash.

Buffy immediately steps back and kicks the door in, thinking Rhys was being attacked.

Buffy busts into the room and sees—

Rhys wrapped up with a dark haired girl. She was rearranging his room and Rhys was trying to stop her when something must've fallen.

"Woah, Buffy." Rhys says as he laughs.

Buffy is embarrassed.

"I thought you were..." Buffy starts.

"Just some interior decorating." Rhys says as he giggle with the dark haired girl.

"Meet my interior decorator, Naomi." Rhys introduces her.

"Hi." Naomi says extending a hand. Buffy shakes it not sure what to make of Naomi yet.

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