MHA Harem Sleepover

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Setting: Uraraka's Dorm Room

Uraraka: Hey, guys! I was thinking it's been a while since we all hung out together. How about a sleepover at my dorm?

Deku: That sounds like a great idea, Uraraka! Count me in.

Todoroki: I suppose I could use a break from training. I'll join too.

Kirishima: Sleepover, huh? Sounds like a blast! I'm in!

Kaminari: Oh yeah! Sleepovers mean scary stories! I'm totally joining!

Iida: As the class representative, I believe it would be a good opportunity for us to bond. Count me in, Uraraka!

Bakugo: Tch, whatever. I'll come too, but don't expect me to participate in any dumb games.

Jiro: I'm down for a sleepover! It'll be nice to relax and have some fun.

Momo: It sounds lovely. I'll bring some snacks and games for everyone to enjoy.

Uraraka: Great! I'm excited. See you all later tonight.

Later that night, in Uraraka's dorm room

Uraraka: Thanks for coming, everyone! Make yourselves comfortable.

Deku: Wow, Uraraka, your room looks amazing!

Todoroki: Indeed, it's quite cozy. Excellent choice of decorations, Uraraka.

Kirishima: So, what's the plan? Are we playing games or telling ghost stories first?

Kaminari: Ghost stories, definitely! I've got a good one to start with.

Iida: Hold on, let's establish some ground rules for the stories. Nothing too scary or inappropriate, please.

Bakugo: Tch, as if anyone's scared of your lame stories, Sparky.

Jiro: All right, everyone, let's gather around. I'll set the mood with some music.

Momo: And I've brought some delicious snacks for everyone to enjoy!

As the night progresses, the group shares laughter, scary stories, and delicious treats.

Uraraka (whispering to Jiro): Do you think anyone here likes me? Like, in a romantic way?

Jiro (whispering back): Hmm, hard to say. You never know, though. Sometimes feelings can be hidden.

Uraraka: Yeah, I suppose you're right. It's just something I've been wondering lately.

Throughout the night, each member of Uraraka's secret harem steals glances and blushes when they catch her eye.

Deku (thinking to himself): Uraraka is so amazing. I wish I could tell her how I feel.

Todoroki (thinking to himself): Uraraka has the most captivating smile. It warms my heart whenever I see it.

Kirishima (thinking to himself): She's strong, kind, and beautiful. I hope one day I can confess my feelings to her.

Kaminari (thinking to himself): Uraraka is so cool and down-to-earth. I can't help but have a crush on her.

Iida (thinking to himself): Uraraka's dedication and unwavering spirit are truly inspiring. I wish I could be more than just a friend.

Bakugo (thinking to himself): Uraraka's drive and determination are impressive. She's not like the rest of them. She's special.

Jiro (thinking to herself): Uraraka is an incredible person, and she deserves to be with someone who truly appreciates her.

Momo (thinking to herself): I admire Uraraka's strength and kindness. It would be wonderful if I could be more than just a friend.

Unbeknownst to Uraraka, she has captured the hearts of her friends, forming a secret harem that only time will reveal. But for now, they cherish their friendship and enjoy their unforgettable sleepover at Uraraka's dorm.

[Note: It's important to remember that communication and consent are crucial in any romantic relationship. It would be ideal for the characters to express their feelings openly and honestly rather than relying on a secret harem dynamic. Respect and clear communication are essential in real-life relationships.]

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