%20% Agency

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Dabi POV

I woke up to Shigaraki yelling something. I sat up and saw Y/N sitting in my room, watching TV. "What's going on?" I asked, knowing she probably doesn't know either.
"Mr.Bird was trying to talk to me" She said keeping her eyes on the TV. I nodded and left my room closing the door and leaving Y/N to be. "Your about to experience number 1s top 10 ways to die!!" I heard Crusty yell, I held back a snicker, Toga on the other hand..she was practically crying. "Leave the fuck be, Crusty" I said rubbing my eyes. "Thank you" Hawks whispered loudly, I rolled my eyes and sat down, Crusty coming to sit next to me. "y/n won't snitch" I said, running my hand through my tangled black locks. "I know but I don't want him near her!" He said scratching his neck. "Can you stop scratching I can hear it and it makes me want to tear my staples out" I said, standing up and going to the kitchen to grab some food. "Yo Dabi!" Hawks said walking in behind me. "I was wondering, what if I brought Y/N to my agency while I did some paperwork?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "No TF you think I'ma say 'oh sure take the kid'" I said, grabbing a box of Cheerios. "How bout I sneak you and/or Shigaraki in my agency with y/n" Bird Fuck said trying to convince me. "What the hell are you doing with our names nevermind Y/Ns name in your mouth!?" Dusty said coming into the kitchen. I made myself a bowl of cereal while Hawks explained to Shigs what he was talking about. I looked up and saw Shigs walking over to me. "I made a deal with him" he said, pushing my bowl away from my hand. I glared at him and went to grab my bowl again but he kept moving it away. "What's the deal?" I said as we went back and forth with the bowl. "He made a point bout how Y/N doesn't get out much...so me and you go to his agency with Y/N and he finds you a hero to test your nomu on" he said taking my bowl and taking a bite out of it. I smacked him upside his head and took my cereal away from him. "Sure" I said with an unamused look. "I WANTED A FUCKING BITE" he yelled rubbing the back of his head. I looked behind him and saw Y/N run from behind Hawks and over to us. "Aye!" I said with a mouth full. Shigaraki looked confused until he looked down and saw Y/N. "Oops" I heard him say quietly as he picked Y/N up. I  was eating my cereal listening to Musty tell Y/N he's sorry for cussing in front of her. "I hear it all the time it's okay" Y/N said sweetly. I almost choked on my cereal it caught me so off guard. "Well devil, were going to hang out with the dumb bird, okay?" Shigs asked her as he went to make his own food. I stopped him and handed my half full bowl. "I don't want any more" I said going out of the kitchen and into my room to change for the day. I put on a white long sleeve button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up and my regular jacket and black jeans. I stepped out of my room and saw Dusty hugging Y/N and Hawks saying, "dude I just said hi" I rolled my eyes and walked over and sat next to Shigs. Y/N looked at him and he loosened his grip on her. She crawled over to me and I picked her up. "You eat yet" I asked, taking the braid out of her hair. "Ya! I had toast" she said, moving her wings a bit. I nodded, finishing taking her braid out. "If y'all ready we can go now?" Hawks said standing next to the door. I nodded and stood up, putting Y/N on my shoulders. Shigaraki nodded as well and walked towards the door. Hawks used his wing and opened the door for us, I walked through, ducking down so Y/N didnt hit her head. Shigs walked out behind me and Bird Fuck right behind him. Hawks walked out into the main street and made sure the coast was clear, he nodded and Dusty walked out first with me following close behind. The streets were practically empty, a few pedestrians here and there but they didn't notice us, mainly because Hawks was there so they payed more attention to him. "Heroes are normally changing shift right now" Hawks said waving to a group of girls nearby. I rolled my eyes and looked up at Y/N, she seemed to be having fun so I wouldn't ruin it.

After a 45 minute walk we arrived at his agency, and boy did a bunch of kids work here. Hawks have us his office floor number and we ran over to the elevator. I put Y/N down and held her hand, Shigs pressed the button and we went straight to that floor, no interruptions. We stepped out of the elevator and straight ahead I saw Hawks office. As we were walking down to his office I heard a familiar voice and it ticked me off, I stopped walking and picked up Y/N. She looked confused but didn't complain. Apparently the voice was talking to another familiar voice...the conversation was about their house life but it still pissed me off. We entered Hawks office and it was bright as fuck. I looked over to his desk and it had at least 12 windows behind it and a balcony. Y/N jumped out of my arms and ran straight over to the windows and looked out of them. I smiled as I walked over and sat on a couch he had. Crusty came over and sat next to me, we watched as Y/N looked around.

The door opened and I turned my head expecting Hawks but instead I saw the shocked face of that oh so familiar voice.


I have slight motivation for next chapter!!

Vote on the chapters please it might help me win the Watty Awards of 2023!!

Bye Lovelysssss


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