Chapter 31: Shadows in the Throne Room

Start from the beginning

I hated my mother so much. I hated her for forcing me into marriage. I hated her for ignoring me as a child just like everyone else in my family did. And most of all, I have a new-found hatred towards her for not telling me about my powers.

I felt my anger broiling in my stomach and threatening to show.

Why would she keep such a thing from me? I had and have a right to know. But she doesn't know that I am aware of my powers yet.

It's true that she told Brock about them, but she doesn't know that he told me afterwards. She doesn't know that I've been training and could probably leave this god forsaken castle anytime that I wanted. I could break myself out of these binds and burn this entire castle down.

Maybe I would fulfill the prophecy and destroy my kingdom after all. At this point, I didn't even care anymore. I just wanted my revenge and I would do anything to get it.

"Since when did what I do with my spare time have anything to do with you?" I said, refusing to meet her gaze.

I could feel the rage coming off of her from here.

"How dare you speak to me like that? I am the queen of this kingdom and in the blink of an eye, everything that you know can be taken from you. I'll put you in those dungeons myself if you love sneaking around in them so much you insignificant little brat!"

I tried so hard to ignore her little show of rage towards me but it was hard to do so when I could feel myself start to sweat and my powers just begging for release.

Not yet.

"And to answer your questions," she continues. "Once you start breaking our laws and violate the rules of this kingdom, then it becomes my concern," she says. "Are you even going to look at me? Or are you too ashamed of your actions to look me in the eye."

That's when I snapped. If she wanted me to look her in the eye, then fine. I will look her in the eye.

Shadows exploded from my body and filled the room like fog. I felt my anger rise and saw my hands turn black. My eyes turned dark and I watched as the tips of my hair joined them.

My mother gasped and I smiled.

She was afraid. Of me.

I rose from where I was on the ground and slowly started to make my way over to them. I made sure to take my time. I summoned my flames and burned the rope keeping my hands together but kept my hands behind my back so that they still thought I was bound.

"Are these the eyes you want to see, Mother?"

"You... You're..."

"Yes," I said in confirmation. "I am Heir to Shadowfire."

"You are a monster."

I smiled but was careful to keep my hands behind my back.

"I can see why you think that. But I am what you made me and if you think I'm afraid of you, you're mistaken," I say..

"You're lucky I don't send you back down to the dungeons where you belong."

Her words were sharp. Like glass. They cut through the air and were almost able to cut me, to make me feel wounded. But if I've learned anything about glass, it's that you should be exactly like it. Someone can forge you with such delicacy, make you feel loved and valued. Then after they've gotten their use from you, they'll break you, find you old and useless. But if they're going to let you crumble, fall, and break into little shards, you cut them. You make them bleed. Make them pay.

But I wouldn't back down from her. I wouldn't let her words or empty threats break me.

I was half surprised that she was still willing to speak to me like that after revealing my abilities. I now have the power to end her or anyone else's life in seconds.

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