I couldnt stop the grin forming on my face "That sounds great, really great."

"I'm glad." He said letting out a breath

We arrived at a cute little restaurant that was called 'Vegos'

"This place is so cute!" I said

But he was already out of the car opening my door for me. "Thank you." I said as I got out

"You look really pretty, by the way." He commented putting his hand on the small of my back and leading me inside. I tried to picture a friend doing this and said "You don't look to bad yourself there superstar."

He smirked at turned to the hostess and spoke spanish to her. A minute later she is leading us to a back room with one table in it. People gasp as we walk by and some fans rush over to ask Cristiano for an autograph. He of course signs stuff for them, I've read he has never turned down a picture, autograph or hug unless it was absolutely necessary.

That's one of the things I liked about him. What the? Had I just thought that? I got to put some brakes on.

We got to I our table and the waiter pulled out my chair and gave a grin. Um I'm kinda with someone? Hello? Date or no date that's not okay. Te loco?

Cristiano glared at him but he didn't seem to notice as he took our drink orders. Keeping with the winks and grins my way.

" Tráeme un nuevo camarero. No voy a tratar este!" Cris spoke angrily *this says get me a new waiter, I'm not dealing with this.*

He scurried away and later a girl came over with our drinks. " Lo siento mucho sobre eso." She said sheepishly *I'm very sorry about that.*

"Thank you." I murmered as she set down my water. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you were American."

"It's okay, I speak spanish." I smiled at her

"Oh well qué puedo traerte?" *what can I get you?* she asked

" Voy a tener la ensalada  con rancho por favor." *I'll have a  salad with ranch please.* I said closing my menu

I felt Cristiano's eyes on me and I looked up and met his eyes. He looked intrigued, " Voy a tener y una ensalada por favor." *I'll have a salmon and side salad please.* He handed out menus to her and she walked away. "You speak spanish?"

I nodded "Sí." He laughed "What else can you do?"

I thought for a moment "Language wise? Soccer? Or just in general?"

"Mmm all three." He said leaning his head on his hand

"Well, I speak spanish, French, Italian and a little bit of Russian, oh and also ASL. Umm I'm not sure what to say for soccer... and I also have no idea what I can do in general." I finished

"Russian? Wow. What are you an Einstein?"

I shrugged "What about you?"

"Portuguese, Spanish and a little bit of Greek."

"Wow, What are you an Einstein?" I mimicked him

He rolled his eyes at me "You're just a really funny gal, where do you get this stuff?"

"I get it all up here." I said pointing to my head.


When this non date but a date but mostly non date date was over it was twelve in the morning.

I don't think I've laughed that hard in, forever. Since my mother died, I have never laughed as hard as I did tonight and when we pulled into my drive, I didn't want to get out of the car of the non date.

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