"what's going on? are you alright?"

"dad i really need you to do something for me right now, okay?"

"just tell me what is it?"

"you gonna be shocked when you see me, but i have someone who needs assistance urgently, but you can't tell anyone else, just you. please dad."

"you have a patient? what happened to them? i'll ask nurses to get a room read-

"no no, dad you can't get anyone else! please, just you. i'm almost outside the hospital, i'm going to use the fire stairs."

minho could almost see how confused his dad was.

"a-alright, but why? is he a criminal?"

"he's, quite the opposite, and he really needs help! i-i don't even k-know if he's breathing a-and i can't lose him!"

"okay! just come in, i'll be in room 309, no one ever uses that room."

minho wanted to thank his father, but his fingers had already pressed the hang up button, and he pushed open the exit door before running up the stairs.

sure it was a little harder to run with jisung in his arms, but that didn't seem to stop him from reaching the room within a minute or two.

as soon as he entered the room, his father looked shocked.

all his dad could see was the new hero, kraken, and spiderman in his arms, but with his face revealed.

"k-kraken? what are you- "

minho ran over and carefully laid jisung down on the table. he turned around to look at his dad and quickly ripped off his mask.

his dad's eyes widened as he saw his son, all sweaty and panicked, under the mask. he had so many questions, but when he glanced over at 'spiderman' on the table, he knew he needed to act fast.

"we need to talk later, okay?" he said strongly and he ran over to the table.

"he's been like this for over 15 minutes." minho said sounding calm, but actually the exact opposite.

his dad checked jisung's pulse, and was relieved to find it still there, but it was faint. he then checked jisung's injury, which didn't look good.

he sighed quickly and looked at his son. he needed to preform surgery, but he knew that minho probably wouldn't be able to handle it.

"minho, grab my bag on the chair and change into my extra clothes. you can't be in here while i operate."

of course minho knew he should cooperate with his dad, but he really didn't want to leave jisung. but before he could argue his father spoke up.

"now! i need to operate, you hear me?"

minho then just nodded and grabbed the bag. he took one last glance at jisung before he went out the door, and quickly ran into the bathroom before he could be seen.


"thank you." chan said quickly to the taxi driver before running after jeongin who was already half way to the doors.

after they had gotten the message, they immediately went straight to the hospital.

right before jeongin could open the door, chan grabbed his shoulder.

"hey, calm down, yeah?" chan's soft voice made jeongin relax a little. he had been worked up the entire ride here.

he then buried his head into chan's chest. "i'm just scared for him, chan. w-what if something terrible happened? what would i do without h-him?"

by now there were tears falling down his face, making chan's sweater damp. "we have to think positively, okay? minho's probably in there just as worried, so we have to be there for him, right?"

pulling it together, jeongin brought his head up and nodded. the two were about to open the door when chan's phone beeped in his pocket.

he pulled it out and saw that minho had texted.

cat butler :
come in through the fire exit
bc no one knows we're
here except my dad.
read  8:53 pm

"minho said we need to go in through the fire exit. is that around back?" he said looking up from his phone.

"yeah, it's that way. but, why are we going in there?" jeongin lightly grabbed chan's hand and locked their fingers together.

they began walking before chan replied. "i think jisung must be in his suit, because apparently no one else knows they're here except minho's dad."

"oh." was all jeongin could say.

the two began walking up the stairs, a little nervous about what they would find out when the got there.


hi luvs!!
a little jeongchan this chapter??

hope everyone is doing okay tdy :))
i have school on thursday 😭
going to cry TT

remember to eat and hydrate yourselves today!!
- ✌️

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