35. Allies, Plans and Cute Bobble Hats

Start from the beginning

Swerving around a corner, I came to a halt in front of a certain door. I didn't bother with silly, new-fangled things like manners. Instead, I just grabbed the knob and pushed open the door.

"Hey, girls! I know I'm sorry to suddenly burst in on you like this, but—"

I stopped in mid-sentence.

I stared.

I blinked.

I stared again.

Nope. Not a hallucination. Still there.

Right there in front of me were Amy, Ella, Eve, Flora and Patsy, sitting around a table on various items of furniture. But that was not what had caused me to freeze into a wide-eyed ice statue. No, the reason for that was the activity my friends were currently indulging in.

They were knitting.

My friends, the unofficial first feminist club of Britain, were sitting there, knitting. Knitting adorable little baby clothes in pastel colours.

"Oh. Ehem." Patsy cleared her throat. "I, err...it's good that you're here, Lilly. I was just showing the other girls what not to do in order to be a feminist. Um...yes, that's what we were doing. It's definitely important to avoid doing such horrifically housewifely things if we want to break the stereotypes women are subjected to in today's society."

I very carefully did not smile, and even more carefully did not look at the bright pink bobble hat she was in the middle of making.

"I see." With a seriously serious look on my face, I inclined my head. "Good work. The world needs more feminists like you." And Berty more aunts. "Do you mind if I interrupt your instruction for a bit? I have something to discuss with the others."

"Oh, um...no, not at all." She waved her hand and only in retrospect seemed to notice that it was still holding the half-finished bobble hat. "Um...by all means, you go and chat. I'll just, well, continue practising what not to do as a feminist."

"Thank you." Still with a very sombre expression on my face, I patted her shoulder. "Don't you worry. They'll be back in a jiffy so you can finish your, ehem...'lesson'."

Amy, Ella, Eve and Flora put aside their work and rose to their feet. The four of them filed out of the room and, having closed the doors behind them, threw me curious glances.

"What's the matter, Lilly?" Ella pouted. "If it's not important, could you come back later? I'm only halfway finished with this adorable scarf for little Bert—"

That was when Eve elbowed her in the ribs.

"—ehem! I mean, I am only half finished with my lesson on what not to do as a properly feminist young lady!"

The corners of my mouth twitched, and I threw Eve and Flora a glance. "I see you've already managed to indoctrinate my little sister."

Eve gave me a demure little curtsy. "We do what we can."

"I don't doubt it. Now...let's get going, shall we?" With one hand, I gestured for them to follow me. "I really do have something to talk about."

"Really?" Curious, Eve cocked her head. "What?"

"Not here. Let's go."

Not wasting any more time, I led them into another room securely out of anyone's hearing distance. Once there, I firmly closed the door behind us. I wasn't about to discuss this particular subject out in the hallway.

"Now can ye tell us what's up?" Amy demanded, eyes slightly narrowed. "Ye didn't drag us out of there for some small talk over tea and biscuits, did ye?"

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