Mulai dari awal

Huh, wait a minute.

"The hell?" You murmured under your breath with a small puff of confusion, tilting your head slightly as you abruptly stop in your tracks if you're seeing it right.

You spot a turn to another hallway, which was pretty dark like some of the other ones you saw. You've memorized a pattern; a hallway leading to a dead end, next hallway after that is a creepy ass door leading to who knows where that seemed off and very normal, then repeat the process.

But this particular hallway seemed.. different, to say the least. It's another dead end, but you can see a glimpse of some flowers peaking out the end of the corridor.

'Taking a look wouldn't hurt, right? It better be worth it if this cost me Ruby's scolding for taking way too long', You thought with a grimace.

You heard a small vibration of your phone, indicating the said male you're messaging with has just responded. But you ignored it and closed your phone, shoving it in your pocket as you slowly walk towards the interesting hallway - not taking your eyes off it.

Suddenly, you felt shiver down your spine, feeling something was amiss. The back of your hair standing up in alert, It was as if you're being watched, but nothing was even there when you checked.

You let out a shaky sigh, realization has dawned upon you as you start to feel a sense of unease and dead crawling into your skin - you never thought how.. odd and scary it is to walk around a huge place with loads of empty and dark hallways all by yourself.

You never get the saying of 'the silence is loud' until now, it was way too silent for your liking. Getting chased by the countries, being yelled at or a country going physical to you wouldn't give you as much fear as.. this.

You can only hear the white noise and your own breathing. Nothing else.

Shaking your head, you swallow a lump in your throat and kept trying to investigate this odd foyer you just found. It's so pathetic when you can be so scared at being alone, you don't like feeling afraid. Yet, here you are.

Saying you're currently confused was an understatement. There is one specific type of flower littering around the floor of this corridor, making the ground look more like a mess than anything what the person behind this trying to do. You've read some flower book before, and with close inspections - you guess these flowers are called Aconite Monkshood.

Looking up from the floor, you glance around the wall of said corridor to only be greeted with even more Aconite flowers accompanied by vibes to support them. These weren't even different types of Aconite, these are the same as the Monkshood one. And for some reason, it's making you feel sick looking at these.

Though as you turn your head towards the dead end of the hallway, your eyes widened at the big portrait of Philippines.

"Oh.. come on," You grumbled under your breath. All that feeling of dread, loneliness and fear quickly evaporated to be replaced with annoyance. But alas, you shook your head and push those thoughts away - it's getting tiring at this point.

Trudging closer to the canvas, You didn't hear any noises as you walk deeper in this corridor, even though those Aconite Monkshood was all over the floor. You were too absorbed about this image of Philippines, and for whatever reason you didn't see this as weird at all - you're just confused. And the feeling of being watched still linger in the back of your mind which sucks, but you feel like it's just you being paranoid.

✦ 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘𝐒𝐔𝐄 Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang