"Hazzie warm." Louis purrs as he feels Harry's hand softly scratch
behind his ears. Harry had recently figured out Louis' favorite spots to be scratched or rubbed: behind his ears (kitten and human), upper arm, and his thigh.

"See? Plane is fun, right?" Louis nods, a small on his face as he sleepily yawnes.

"Sleep kitten, I know I woke you up early this morning. I'll wake you up before we land." Harry whispers softly into the smaller boys ear as he watches Louis' eyes slowly shut and feels his breathing even out.

The plane lands a couple hours later, Harry having woken up Louis before it had, because he promised Louis and besides liking how excited the smaller boy got for the landing and watching the plane fly down through the clouds.

They exit the plane once it comes to a full stop at the airport. They
gather their carry ons and walk off the jet. Some paps have lined up outside of the jet, so Harry quickly grabs Louis' hand and pulls him into his side to shields him from the flashing cameras, how fast they got there was honestly a mystery, but therefore Harry was pretty well known, famous even.

But still, many saw his as intimidating, only his loved ones knew the real Harry along with the people that looked real close and saw him interact with Louis.

Harry didn't care that much, he knew who he was and his personality was great, so there weren't worries, Louis liked him and that's what's important to him.

They eventually make it to the front of the airport and into the car safely, without any trouble with the paparazzi.

Being the time changed from going into a different time zone, it is only noon in LA, and Harry decided that he is going to take his kitten shopping, since he liked the idea and Louis wasn't tired anymore, the boy sleeping in the plane earlier.

Harry tells the driver his plans and has him drive them to the nearest mall. They are dropped off, leaving an excited Harry and a confused Louis.

"We're gonna go shopping, okay, kitten?" Harry says when he sees the confused look on Louis' face. Harry doesn't wait for an answer and just grabs Louis' hand to lead him into the huge shopping mall.

"Where do you wanna go first?" Harry asks Louis who is staring in
daze and amazement around the huge mall. Many people were scurrying from shop to shop, making Louis nervous to go further in.

"S-scared." Louis whimpers our softly, eyes scanning over the crowds of people.

"No need to be scared, love. I won't let anyone hurt you, okay?" Harry tries to reassure his kitten which works and they walk further into the mall.

"Do you see anything that catches your eye?" Harry asks as they walk through the place, looking through the windows to see if anything intrigued him or Louis.

"Pretties!" Louis says excitedly as he points to the Victoria's Secret shop.

Harry chuckles at his excitement and also at the fact that he owns the company and could get anything in there for free at anytime of the day for his lively kitten.

"Let's go in then." Harry smiles and leads Louis into the store. They walk in and Louis is instantly drawn to all the lace and silky panties that are all laid out in front of him.

"What are you doing in here?" A voice from behind Louis shrieks and causes him to turn around quickly.

Louis whimpers at the angry look on her face and begins to curl in on himself.

"Something like you doesn't deserve to be in a store like this." The girl says again and grabs Louis by the arm, prepares to throw him out of the store. Louis thrashes in her hold until he is taken into big, strong arms that he instantly recognizes to be Harry's.

"What the hell do you think you're doing touching my kitten?!" Harry yells as he pushes Louis behind him quickly, in a protective manner.

"-Im sorry M-Mr. Styles. I d-didn't mean t-too." She stutters and
Scurries off before Harry can get another word out.

"Kitten..." Harry says softly as he turns around to see a crying Louis, shaking violently.

"H-hazzie left. L-Louis so s-scared. Mean l-lady grab L-Louis h-hard."

Louis whimpers out, still shaking as Harry wraps his arms around the small boy.

"Im so sorry, kitten. I didn't mean to leave you and I'm sorry that
nasty girl grabbed you. How about we go back to the hotel and cuddle, alright? I should have been there to protect you" Hardy suggest, trying to calm Louis down.

"O-okay, H-Hazzie, cuddle, it's a-alwight." Louis hiccups as Harry picks him up like a child to walk them out of the store and towards the exit.

They get into the car waiting for them to drive off, the driver driving them back to the hotel..

𝑴𝒚 𝑳𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝑲𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒏 𝑳.𝑺.✔︎Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt