Chapter 13

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"It's been such a long time, but looking back, Jeongyeon truly deserved to have that," Momo's voice carried a tinge of regret as she shared her thoughts with Dahyun.

Dahyun tried comforting her to let her know she wasn't alone in her feelings. "You know, unnie, it's okay to feel that way. We all have our moments of doubt and regret. But dwelling on it won't change the past. What matters now is how we move forward."

Momo sighed. "I understand, Dahyun. I just wish I hadn't been so afraid back then. Nayeon unnie wrote those words for Jeongyeon, and I... I kept them to myself."

Dahyun's warm smile conveyed understanding and empathy. "You were afraid, unnie. We all were. But let's not keep blaming ourselves for what happened. Nayeon unnie wouldn't want that."

Momo's lips curved into a small smile, appreciating Dahyun's comforting words. "You're right, Dahyun. We should focus on the positive moments we shared with Nayeon unnie and the others. We can't change the past, but we can create a meaningful future."

Dahyun's eyes sparkled with a mixture of determination and optimism. "Exactly, unnie. And speaking of the future, don't forget about tomorrow. We made a promise to Nayeon unnie that we'd come back and visit her. All of us. I hope the others still remember."

Momo's smile brightened, the thought of their upcoming visit filling her with a sense of purpose. "I know, Dahyun. And you're right again, she'll definitely scold us if we don't keep our promise."

They both chuckled, the camaraderie between them lifting the heaviness from their hearts. As the radio played softly in the background, they continued to talk, sharing stories and laughter, finding solace in each other's company. In that moment, as they reminisced and connected, the bond between friends grew stronger, a testament to the enduring power of friendship and the shared memories that would forever bind them together.



Silently, Jeongyeon carried Nayeon on her back, the weight of their unspoken words hanging heavily between them as they made their way to the old yacht where Jeongyeon had prepared her gift. The journey was marked by a palpable tension, a silence born from the turmoil of their recent argument. None dared to break the silence until they finally reached the serene seashore. Gently, Jeongyeon set Nayeon down, and as she turned to head inside the yacht, Nayeon's voice cut through the stillness.

"Jeongyeon-ah, the doctor... he..." Nayeon's voice wavered, a mixture of nerves and determination, "he's not who you think he is. I-I mean... he's not someone I have feelings for. I want to clear any misunderstandings about why I've been spending time with him. He actually told me about a chance I have for a free surgery in Seoul. A chance for me, a village girl who's struggled with walking since birth, to finally walk properly." A genuine smile played on Nayeon's lips as she looked at Jeongyeon. "So, I help him at the clinic as a way of showing gratitude. I'm truly grateful-"

"What kind of surgery?" Jeongyeon's voice was tinged with skepticism. She couldn't bear the thought of Nayeon being deceived by the doctor, her frustration boiling over. Jeongyeon's anger was directed at the doctor, his manipulation of Nayeon's hopes and dreams. "Did you really believe him? Do you think he wanted to give you a free surgery?"

Nayeon blinked, trying to process Jeongyeon's sudden change in tone. "What do you mean, Jeongyeon-ah? Aren't you happy for me?"

"I overheard him," Jeongyeon interjected, her voice firm and unyielding. She needed Nayeon to understand the truth, no matter how painful it might be. "When I went back to the clinic to pick up your plaster, I heard him. He never intended to give you that surgery. It was all a ploy to impress his professor and secure his own ambitions of going to America."

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