"If you really came to me just to ask me that, you can go back to sleep. And so can I. Bye." Higuchi stood up, just to get sat by Ayatsuji, who grabbed her wrist and launched her back on the sofa.

"It's serious."

"Please! A mafia boss' most horrible trait would be being a pedo? There are far worse things. As far as I know, he has never sexually assulted one? And I don't even think he likes children THAT way. He is just... sort of... clingy. And submissive to an incredible degree." She said non-chalancely, still irritaded whatsoever.

Ayatsuji snickered. "Oh, wow, that's one to see."

"You're just asking for black mailing, aren't you?" Higuchi sighed, masking her disappointment under her hand.

"And the second thing... Blood-Stinky was always like this?"

"Akutagawa-senpai... He has never changed since I've known him. He has gotten a bit less repelling of aid, but... not even that much, to say it all."

"All I want to know is one thing, Higuchi-kun." The look on his face gave it away.

"Yes, he has always disliked bathing. Thanks for caring so much about his personal hygien." She answered between her teeth. He's truly something, Hirotsu-san. I can't bear with him no more, and it's only the second day. Eheh! Eh... eh...

"Don't mind if I do. And you're very welcome." He nodded. He glanced her way and saw the sorry state of her face. "You won't resist here a month, you know that, do you?"

"Something tells me you won't even try to co-operate, so I can only try my best not to snap back..."

"Oh, so you do have a pressure point. Ahah... Just give me some time." His smile as mischievious as the Devil's. Was she in Hell?

"Don't put me at test, please." Higuchi frantically laughed a nervous laugh. "Moreover, are you done with your questions or is there still nonsense that I have to hear? I understood that you only have the intention to anger me. And I thought you were a serious one..."

"Oh, so I can go on? I thought you wanted me to shut up."

"I do."

"You contradict yourself a lot, you know?"

"I'm true to my word. I do not want to hear your voice for a while, but silence feels off around you."

"Why does it? I'm a quiet one."

"That's debatable." Higuchi giggled.

"Why does silence feels off to you? Are you one that always has to talk? You can't bear to be only with your, like, two thoughts?"

"You know that saying "Peace before the storm"? I wouldn't want something to like that happen."

"I assure you, it's much worse if I were to talk." Ayatsuji snickered under his breath. If he were to judge someone as a culprit of nefand actions, no matter who... no matter how... no matter when or where... they would've died of an accidental death. There was no escape to that. "Another", his ability, had 100% odds of success. And that was why he was ranked as an extremely dangerous ability user. He had killed over two billions people by now, and many others were to come.

That is true, though... I can't help but feel loneliness by his side. Why would that even interest me, I, myself, don't even know. However, if I am stuck here for a month, better make the most of it, no?

"Why don't you tell me something?" Higuchi asked, finally relaxing on his sofa. The tension was slowly dissipating. Maybe it was the chamomille's effect?

Lost Memories: Higuchi and Ayatsuji's other storyWhere stories live. Discover now