Chapter 7

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Chapter 7    *Troye's POV*

Secrets secrets are no fun...

I couldn't help but laugh, the fact that he had said exactly what I was thinking was weird, but amazing. 

I felt my pocket vibrate and I grabbed my phone.

Kat <3: Hey where are you?!

I stared at the message... SHIT! I was supposed to meet Kat at her house...

"Tyler... I got to go... I was supposed to meet Kat ten minutes ago..."

He nodded, his eyes meeting mine for a fleeting moment before looking back to his coffee... 


I frowned, not sure how I could lighten the now dark mood.

"Do you want to meet me here for coffee tomorrow morning at seven?" I blurted out.

His frown faded into a large smile, as he nodded.

"Yah... That would be great."

I smiled...

"Ok, good, well... I'm going to go... And like, yah..."

He laughed as I stuttered through my words.

"Stutter much?" He said between laughs.

I couldn't help but chuckle at how ironic that one comment could be.

"Awwwww you guys even have your own inside jokes!" Britany yelled.

We laughed at her comment before I felt my phone vibrate again and I stood up.

"Until tomorrow then?" He said.

"Yah... Until tomorrow."

____________Time skip

After my long drive of guilt and hope that my newly made up lie would trick Kat, I pulled up to kat's house and sat in her drive way for over five minutes going over my story in my head.

"Ok, I got this... It's not that hard, just have to lie to my one and only best friend...." I stated to myself.

And just like that, I painted a smile on my face and went to her door, knocking loudly.

"TROYE!!!! YOU'RE TWENTY MINUTES LATE!!!" Kat yelled as she opened the door.

"I'm really sorry... I got held up at my house." I said completely forgetting my long made up story.

She didn't smile, but her frown got smaller and I knew she had bought it.

"Come on, let's go and watch a movie." She said, grabbing my hand and leading me upstairs into her dimly lit room.

Now I had known Kat for a long time, but still, walking into her bedroom surprised me every time.

Her walls were covered with beautiful drawings of flowers and trees, every flower was different, the backgrounds varying from busy stores, to the night sky, all having their own unique look, as though hundreds of different artists had come and drawn pictures specifically for her.

"Want to see the new ones?" She asked, noticing my look of awe at her hundreds of drawings.

I nodded. "Yah..."

She chuckled and lead me to the corner of her room where there was a large blue orchid, it's leaves stretching past the pedals.

"Kat... It's amazing..." I said, unsure what word could be better than amazing.

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