Chapter 5 Pointed Fingers

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Chapter 5 *Troye's POV*

Pointed fingers

I knelt down besides Kat. Who really had no real problem other than her now raging temper.

I looked back to where the airheads had disappeared only to be met with ocean blue eyes staring at me from the door.

Our eyes locked for a moment, a moment that felt like eternity... then he looked away, and vanished behind the small metal door.

"What was that?" I turned suddenly, forgetting that Kat was there too.

"I don't know..." I admitted my voice hushed as a looked back at the door he had vanished from, almost expecting him to be there.

"Troye, we need to go... We're going to be late."

I nodded absently, unsure what to think. An airhead, had noticed me.

And it wasn't just any airhead either, it was the star football player, coolest guy in school, airhead.

_____________time skip_______________

I sighed as the last bell finally sang its shrill song.

"You ready to go Troye?" Kat called from the other side of the deserted classroom.

"Yah come on kitty Kat."

She smirked and meowed at me.

I broke out laughing, grasping onto the table for support.


I looked up suddenly and noticed Kat staring at someone.

I turned, my smile vanishing as I see the leader of the airheads (tyler oakley) standing at the door looking at me.

"Um... Hi... I um..." he started "Wanted to say sorry... Um... yah..." His words came out choppy and awkward, his whole demeanor looked awkward. He stood straight but stared at the floor, rubbing the back of his neck.

And I, the most invisible person in school, just stood there silently hoping that I would evaporate, disappear... anything.

Kat must have sensed my unhappiness in the situation because she dropped her backpack and pushed past me.

"Troye I'll be right back." She smiled and grabbed his arm dragging him out the door into the hallway.

*Tyler's POV*

The girl grabbed my arm pulling out into the hall.

"Look airhead, I don't know what the fuck you're doing but you need to back the fuck off Troye." She said her eyes were boring into my soul.

"Look I just wanted to say sorry..." Her eyes narrowed as though she was trying to figure me out.

"You're the leader of the airheads, why the fuck would you care about Troye!?? You beat people up for no reason and make people feel like shit about themselves."

Her words shocked me. I had been defending my sister from people; Caspar had always told me they had been making fun of her...

"I don't just make fun of people, I defend my sister."

She laughed sarcastically, stopping suddenly to put a finger to my chest.

"Look here pretty boy, you don't fool me with your little 'my sister' excuse. I know exactly how you all are, and if you think you can get Troye, then you're more of an idiot than I thought. Don't touch him, don't even look at him, and definitely do not talk to him."

She shoved her finger into my chest before shoving me lightly off her and walking back into the classroom.

I stood there trying to figure out what had just happened. She had threatened me. My head was spinning when Troye and the girl came out of the classroom.

I stared at him as he walked past. Then I shifted my stare to the girl.

Her eyes were narrowed and she glared at me.

Suddenly Troye said something and she painted a grin on her face laughing at whatever he said. Then when he wasn't looking she shot me a glare.

A moment later she turned back to Troye.

I sighed looking back to the floor before running a hand through my hair.

I glanced up to see his eyes meet mine and a piece is paper drop from his hands.

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