The Opera's Disaster II (ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴏɪɴᴛ ᴏꜰ ɴᴏ ʀᴇᴛᴜʀɴ/ᴅᴏᴡɴ ᴏɴᴄᴇ ᴍᴏʀᴇ)

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Océane's heart raced as she stood on the stage, her violin resting on her shoulder. Her fingers hovered above the strings, poised to resume playing as soon as Erik's voice faded.

As Erik's final note echoed, Océane lowered her violin and took a deep breath, her eyes scanning the stage. She caught Raoul and Adrian exchanging puzzled glances in box 5. Their confusion was palpable, and Océane's heart sank. She knew that the sudden change in Erik's voice had thrown them off balance, just as it had her.

Adrian leaned in, his voice a hushed murmur. "What's going on, Raoul? Did they change the cast without telling us?"

Raoul shook his head, his gaze still locked on the unfolding scene. "I have no idea, Adrian. But something's not right."

The lights dimmed slightly, focusing on Erik and Christine, who stood locked in an intense gaze. Océane could practically feel the tension radiating from them. And then, the familiar strains of music began, signaling the start of the main duet – "The Point of No Return."

The sultry, intoxicating melody seemed to caress the air, entwining itself with Erik's words. "Past the point of no return, no backward glances! Our games of make-believe are at an end!" Erik's voice was like a velvet caress, sending shivers down Océane's spine. She remembered the times they had practiced this scene, the intensity of his gaze as they had acted it out. Now, he was singing these words to Christine, and Océane couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy deep within her chest.

Her fingers danced across the strings, each note a reflection of the emotions swirling around her. The music pulsed through her, a current connecting her to the characters on stage. She watched as Erik circled Christine, his presence commanding the space around them. Océane wondered if Christine's entrancement was genuine or simply a masterful act.

The male ensemble had seamlessly joined the performance, their graceful movements synchronized with the music. Océane stepped forward, her playing now accompanied by the rhythmic dance of the ensemble behind her.

As the scene continued to unfold, Erik's voice took on a haunting intensity. "Past all thought of if or when.. No use resisting! Abandon thought and let the dream descend!" His words seemed to hang in the air, a potent invitation to surrender to the intoxicating currents of desire and intrigue that engulfed the stage.

Océane's heart raced as Erik completed his circle around Christine, his proximity to her electric. She watched as he positioned himself to her left, their chemistry palpable even from where she stood. Christine's eyes were fixed on him, her expression a mix of vulnerability and longing. Océane found herself caught between the lines of the story and the reality of the emotions she could sense.

Amidst the orchestral swells, Raoul leaned closer to Adrian, his voice tense. "Do you think Christine is acting, or is this... something more?"

Adrian's lips tightened, his brows knitted. "I don't know, Raoul, but they're both so lost in their characters right now. It's as if the lines between fiction and reality are blurring."

Erik's voice took on a more daring tone as he continued, moving with a predatory grace. He sang, "What raging fire shall flood the soul? What rich desire unlocks its door? What sweet seduction lies before us?" The words sent a shiver down Océane's spine. She had imagined this moment countless times during rehearsals, but witnessing it live, with the full force of Erik's presence, was an entirely different experience

Océane held her breath as he placed his hand on Christine's throat, a gesture that held a potent mixture of danger and desire. The audience was captivated, the tension in the room almost palpable. She could hear faint gasps from the seats, evidence of the impact the performance was having on the spectators.

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