Two is a company, three is a crowd ❤️‍🔥

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PAIRING: Dom!Farah x Dom!Saul x Sub!Fem Reader


WARNINGS: smut, mutual pining, polyamorous relationship, threesome, breast/nipple worship, marking, vaginal fingering, dirty talk, teasing, begging, oral sex, implied smut

TIMELINE: Following Rosalind's takeover of Alfea, when Farah is reinstated as headmistress. Mentions of Rosalind's first headmistress term at Alfea when Farah and Saul attended.

BACKGROUND: You, the reader, are a once close friend of the headmistress and headmaster of Alfea. But during your youth, you fantasized about Farah and Saul more than you cared to say. After you graduated, you moved away to Linphea to put that part of your life behind you. You are called to attend to a crisis at Alfea, and when the dust clears, you're ready to return home.

A/N: Oh my God you guys... the friends-to-lovers trope will always have a soft spot in my heart. And technically, this is two friends-to-lovers plots hehehe. I know this is supposed to be a Farah x Saul collection, but I couldn't resist this one. I really hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it... ;)


You thought you had been keeping yourself in line, but this was going too far.

For the love of the gods, you had known Farah Dowling and Saul Silva since your time attending Alfea. You'd been good friends, even though they were a few years ahead of you. But you hadn't seen them in ages.

Not until news reached you that Farah had abruptly vanished and Rosalind became the headmistress again under mysterious circumstances, and you'd been summoned by Ben Harvey to aid the cause of finding Farah and taking back Alfea. It had been far easier said than done, especially with Saul being in prison and all of the legal shit Luna tried to pull.

But long story short, Rosalind had fallen once again, and Farah had returned as the rightful headmistress. Now, she and Saul were the heads of Alfea.

And you couldn't get either of them out of your head.

After Farah had been reinstated as headmistress, she and Saul had been inseparable. You were honestly happy for them as much as you suspected they were fucking behind closed doors. They had always had some kind of a flame burning between them since you'd known them at Alfea. Now, after each nearly losing each other and realizing their feelings, it had grown into a full-fledged fire.

But you were as surprised as any other to find out that they'd gotten married. And secretly, no less. The ring adorning Farah's left hand just happened to catch the light when you were out on a walk with her a few days after her revival. You'd asked, and she'd revealed everything. How they hadn't wanted anything big, so they made their vows and exchanged rings in private. You gushed over the stone, and Farah blushed tremendously.

The words "I'm happy for you" came from your mouth before you realized just exactly what it meant. The twinge of jealousy you felt made you come to your senses. Now, your secretive pining for the couple would be put to an end. They were married! You were many things, but a home wrecker would not be one of them.

So the secret crushes you'd had on Farah and Saul were pushed to the wayside. Besides, you needed to focus on your career in Linphea. You decided to tell Farah you would be leaving and make sure she knew how encouraging you were toward her marriage and Alfea.

That was how you ended up outside of Farah's office on a rainy Thursday morning, your fist poised to knock when you heard a quiet, feminine moan from inside.

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