Arrack Attack (Part 2) ❤️‍🔥

208 7 3



PAIRING: Dom!Saul x Sub!Farah

WORD COUNT: (previously 2,078)

WARNINGS: lovers to enemies to lovers, mutual pining, smut, breast/nipple worship, marking, dirty talk, teasing, begging



A/N: Welcome back, everyone! So, again, this fic is inspired by the movie Ticket to Paradise, and I take some lines directly from the movie. I don't own the script or the characters of Fate: The Winx Saga that are used. And there will be some intense Silrah content in this chapter, so buckle up! This section was updated after its original posting. I hope you all enjoy the updated version! ;)


Finally, Emaria and Ri'ain only had one cup in front of them, and it was Saul's turn.

"Okay, this is it," Farah said, swaying slightly on her feet with the ball, slick with arrack, in her fingers.

"I got it," Saul declared, taking it from her.

Farah didn't seem to mind. She stood just off Saul's right shoulder as he lined up. "You got it. Okay."

"Which one?" he asked, his gaze firm.

"There's only one," Farah replied.

Saul frowned slightly at the table. "Really?" he asked again.

"Yeah," Farah answered. The fairy paused for a second, realizing what he'd said, and looked over at him. "What?"

"I see two."

Farah arched her eyebrows. "Oh, gods." She thought for a moment before lifting a hand to cover Saul's right eye with her palm.

The scent of her perfume washed over the male Specialist as he mumbled, "Oh, yeah." It was intoxicating -- Farah was intoxicating -- but he had to focus.

With a stunning amount of accuracy, Saul landed the ball in the last cup. It hit the arrack inside with a splish.

Immediately, Saul and Farah both cried out with excitement and victory. "Sit down!" Saul yelled, and Farah burst into giggles while her arms shot in the air.

"You really don't have to," Emaria urged as Ri'ain reached for the cup. She put her hand on his shoulder and looked up at him, but Ri'ain, too drunk to think straight, shook his head.

"It's literally the game!" he protested amidst whoops from Saul and Farah.

Emaria was incredulous. "You're gonna throw up!" she cried out.

"Yeah, but this drink is from my homeland," Ri'ain said, eyes widening as he looked at the arrack sloshing around in the bottom of the cup. "It's like lemonade!" Without hesitating any longer, he put the cup to his lips and drank heavily.

"Oh, he's going down!" Saul jeered. "Going down. He's going down!"

"He's going down!" Farah copied as she leaned against Saul and laughed hysterically.

It took a few seconds, but slowly Ri'ain's expression changed. He suddenly began to gag and hurried off to vomit.

"Oh, my God," Emaria muttered, quickly following him.

"Where are they going?" Farah asked, straightening as much as she could and watching them walk off. "Where are you going?"

"Oh! Bye!" Saul called after them, tugging Farah out onto the dance floor. She eagerly followed and jumped wildly beside him. Eventually, her legs were close to giving out, and she fell against Saul's chest. He wrapped his arms around her, and Farah rested her head on his shoulder while grinning wildly.

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