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*Around 2 and a half months later*

Alaina's POV

Just seconds away. We were seconds away from having months to ourselves, for the most part at least. I see Harry's face first and Rachel runs to embrace him. Then I see Liam. I almost scream. I run and he picks me up in a hug dropping his suitcase on the ground. His arms are as tight around my waist, as mine are around his neck. A few joyful tears come out, but quickly go away.

"I'm home." He whispers. I hadn't been able to see him in the past 2 months. While he was in America, I was promoted at my newspaper job. My section had been so successful, they wanted me to continue my family of the month, and also do a section on the community in London. That section was three times a week, so I quickly quit my receptionist job for this one. I had been so busy the past two months, trying to get used to my new job, I had barely been able to leave and see Liam. I saw him once this month. Now, he was finally home. They had one last concert in London to sign off their tour. After that, they would be writing, maybe have a few radio appearances or small concerts, but no touring. I released myself from his grasp.

"It's unbelievable how much I've missed you." He says and smiles.

"Well, we don't have to worry about that now." I laugh and take his hand. We reconnect with the group and I give the rest of the boys hugs. They all want to head back to their flats. I don't blame them after the long flight. Liam and I head home and when we walk in I notice he is stopped and smiling at me funny.

Liam's POV

I smiled at her and she had no idea how thrilled I was to tell her the news.

"What?" She asks laughing.

"Take a seat." I say and she smiles.

"Liam? What's going on?" She laughs.

"Well, you know how the apartment is kinda tight and not that great for Tuck because there isn't that much yard space?"

"I suppose, but we aren't getting rid of Tuck, Liam!"

"God no. See, when I came back for our other week off in June, I only saw you at night. I said I had meetings, but I was really-"

"You ditched me?!"

"Wait a minute. Okay?"


"I was looking around. I was looking for something."


"Alaina, I bought something for us. Close your eyes." I say and she laughs.

"When can I open them?"

"One minute." I say. I take out the laptop.

"Okay yet?" She asks.

"Now." I say with a big grin.

"Why are you showing me a picture of a house?"

"I, uh, bought it for-"

"YOU BOUGHT A HOUSE?!" She yells.

"Maybe..." I say, fearing she was angry at me for a minute.

"So, we are going to move into a house together?" She says excitedly and jumps onto me. I breathe a sigh of relief and hug her back.

"So it's a yes to buying a house?"

"Liam! You don't even have to ask! Where is it?"

"It's right outside the city." I smile.

"It's just so WOW!"

"So you're surprised?"

"You just blew my mind." She laughs and kisses me.

"So are you excited?"

"Yes! I can't wait to have all that privacy and Tuck can have a yard and Liam this is perfect! It's just so-" she stops and sees me laughing at her.

"What?" She asks.

"You." I say and kiss her.

"I have a surprise as well." She smiles.


"Close your eyes!" She shouts from another room.

"Hello? Forget about someone?"

"It's nothing compared to a house, but I put this together." She says and I open my eyes and feel a smile spread across my face. In front of me is a cork board with pictures from every time we saw each other since tour started. Starting with Italy, it acted like a calendar.

Is it good?" She asks nervously.

"No! It's amazing!" I shout and embrace her. I stare at the cork board. She had all the pictures labeled by place. I remembered every moment. Italy, London, when she stopped in Ireland for the night, Germany, her stop in America. All places where we never meant to make memories together, but we did.

We sit on the couch the rest of the afternoon contemplating our house that we can move into this weekend if we wanted and all of the pictures.

I sat there remembering something else though. I thought about the day we met. I never knew that when I hit that beautiful girl, my life would change forever. How much we've been through. We went through Tyler, the drama of fame, Mallie, her dad being my boss, seeing each other only several times a month, and more. Somehow we pulled through. I also thought of our happy memories. Memories of our first date at the Cheesecake Factory, our second date at the park, the pizza place, hiding in Italy, laughing when running from paparazzi, screaming "i love you," and being able to have her experience tour with us once and awhile. I thought about fate. I had a good twist of fate that day we met. Who knew slamming a door in the face of a pretty girl would have me end up here on the couch with her several months later, talking about moving into a house a bought for us. Who knew how lucky I could be? It was like someone hit the love switch for me and the lights weren't ever turning off. I've never had love like this before. No one is taking it away. No one is capable of stealing it from us.

I turn my head down and smile at Alaina.

"What?" She asks.

"Where would I be without you?"

"Where would WE be without each other?"she corrects and I laugh.

"I'd be nowhere." I say.

"Neither would I."


Authors Note:

This is the last chapter of 'Door in the Face.' Writing this was incredibly fun and I realized I loved writing fan fictions. Now, I am not done with the story line itself. I will be making a sequel for Niall. It's going to be called 'Failing to Quit.' It is going to be about Niall and Spencer become best friends and having trouble admitting they want to be more ;) I am so excited to start that one. Liana will still be in it, but the new story is centered around Spencer and Niall. I can't wait! Thank you for reading and voting! I hope you enjoyed 'Door in the Face' and want to read 'Failing to Quit' when I start writing it. Thanks again readers! ;)

Door in the Face(Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now