Confronting Tyler

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Alaina POV

"Tyler go away."

There was something scary in his eyes.

"You know Alaina, I spend the entire night on your stoop and then you go out with pretty boy."

"I'd appreciate it if you'd leave her alone." Liam said.

"Oh really pretty boy. You would appreciate it. Well I don't give a fuck what you would appreciate."

"Quit calling me that."

"Well you sure are a baby aren't you pretty boy."

"Leave him alone Tyler."

"Oh so your bitch has to stick up for you huh pretty boy."

By now Liam is tense and pissed off. Mind you, Tyler hit the stop button on the elevator. We aren't just moving up and down this whole time.

"So Alaina you've fallen for a pussy? I thought we had something special?"

"We did but you cheated on me. You skipped my birthday for Trisha and cheated. Now get away from me and my boyfriend."

Liam's face mellows. Did I really say that? Shit! Maybe he wasn't ready.

"You're pretty shocked pretty boy. Were you not ready for a relationship kid?"

Liam's getting mad again. I gotta get out of here. Tyler was distracted, so went for the button. He pushed me back, and I was falling but Liam caught me. He pulled me behind him.

"So now you want to step up pretty boy? Alright let's go."

Tyler lunged for Liam and I screamed. Tyler swung at Liam, but missed. Liam threw Tyler on the ground, but Tyler kicked him in the leg and Liam toppled over. I grabbed Liam up and pressed the elevator button for my floor. When we got up I pressed the close doors button. And ripped Liam out. Tyler was on the floor getting up, but was too slow. I ran Liam to my apartment and locked the door. He fell back on the couch and said "Well that was interesting." He was hurt on his side because he kept putting pressure on it. I got him peas from the freezer. He started laughing.

"No real ice?" He said.

"Peas are tastier, Liam."

"Whatever you say. Come sit with me please."

"No problem."

I sat down with him and he pulled up his shirt. He had a big bruise on his side. I felt terrible. It was my fault. Tyler's my problem not his. He could tell what I was thinking.

"I've been wanting to punch this guy since the day you described him in the hospital. That made my day."

"Well thank you for defending me."

"You know I noticed something back there."

"Yeah what?"

"You called me your boyfriend.''

"It was in the moment I guess."

"So you don't want to be my girlfriend?"

"I don't know why don't you ask me?"

"Alaina, would you like to grant me the honor of becoming your boyfriend?"

"I don't know. You may be too sweet."

"Oh I guess falling for someone is a problem."

"Things that fall break."

"Not Nokia phones."

"So you think this is like a Nokia?"

"Could be. So will you?"

"I'd be crazy not to."

"Do you mind if I stay the night?"

"Liam, it's our second date."

"No not like that. I don't think I could do that if I tried. I'm just so comfy on the couch with you."

"Well I'll go get a blanket."

"So that's a yes to cuddling on the sofa all night?"

"That's a yes to my knight in shining armor."

"Thank you for housing me fair maiden."

Liam's POV

I fell asleep with her next to me. She was so close and it was so warm. My side hurt but I ignored the pain. I could barely sleep. I wanted to keep her safe from Tyler. Hopefully he would never come back to bother her. She was my fair maiden. I wanted to protect her. I may be in love already, which is mad, but may be true. I didn't want him to hurt her

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