Chapter 2

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It had been a week since the last derby, and Jake had finally finished spray painting his new car. It was old, pretty beat up, and the spray job was pretty simple, (black with a couple of pale white music notes) but it ran well and it was all he could afford. He was at least confident enough to have some faith in himself about beating Driver 88, Drew. He just hoped that he didn't have another huge truck like last time, because that practically set him up to win.

It was darker out tonight, the only light emitting onto the arena being from the lampposts and the damp shine of broken headlights. The sky was cloudy, causing it to be cooler out, the crowd on the bleacher bundled up in various hoodies, coats or blankets. The rumble of engines and the soft conversation from the crowd murmured into the quiet night.

Jake's car rumbled beneath him as he slowly drove it out into the arena, some of the crowd cheering as he pulled up and parked it to the side of another parked car. He looked over for a glance, his vision tinted a very slight blue due to his visor.

The person besides him had a dark purple and black car, and their helmet complimented the colors. It distantly reminded him of Zander, and his body let out a shiver. Wasn't the best first impression.

A loud cheer and a growl of an engine took his attention as he looked to his left at the car pulling in besides him. You have got to be kidding me..

There was the plum purple color, bright and shining without mud to dim it down yet. CHAOS written again on the side, this time with a deep blue and yellow. The helmet was looking at him, again with that CHAOS thing. Jake wondered why this guy just took 'chaos' and ran with it. It must mean something if that was his tag on seemingly all of his derby cars?

The number 88 was on the top of his car, just as everyone else's numbers are, except his was a bright purple, and seemed to stand out in the night more than the other colors, at least to Jake.

Jake felt his fingers tighten on his wheel, and he forced himself to look forwards and not at Drew. He felt a bit relieved that the guy hadn't shown up in a big truck again, but he still was slightly nervous as he looked away. He knew he had threatened him, and he knew that he had to uphold it, otherwise he would probably have to move town out of embarrassment and do demo derbies elsewhere.

He took a deep breath in, well as much of one as he could in his bulky helmet, as the car engines rumbled and he waited-

One of the refs blew their horn, and waved their flag. Jake slammed down on the pedal, his car reversing out fast while all the other cars lined up also reversed out. He whipped his wheel and winded up as much as he could before he immediately started advancing onto the plum car.

Seems like Drew had the same idea though, because Jake had to swerve slightly so that he wouldn't hit him head on. He hit the side of his car, in front of the driver's side door. His body jerked forward hard, his seatbelt catching him.

His tires spun in the mud as Jake reversed away again, and someone hit Drew, except from behind. It was that dark purple and black car. Jake immediately switched gears again and rammed his foot down, his car accelerating towards Drew again. He hit him hard, pushing him up against a cement barrier. His tires spun as he kept going, his car forcing him into the barrier.

Drew looked pissed, or as pissed as he could look with a giant helmet blocking his face. He was turning his wheel and switching gears fast, trying to get his way out of Jake's hold. Jake felt himself smiling under his mask, giddy as he kicked it into reverse, slowly pulling out to wind up again.

The growl of engines and the cheers of the crowd were loud, and he didn't pay any mind to the other cars around them, he was only focused on Drew.

Drew's tires didn't get traction by the time Jake revved his engine, coming in full force again to hit the plum car, his body jerking as he hit him hard in the side again, and his car crumpled. A big cloud of white smoke came rushing out of 88's hood.

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