Chapter 3: Contingency

Start from the beginning

I don't know, maybe this school is the right thing for me, maybe I'll get to meet new people and make new friends. I haven't really made any friends since Peter died. There were my bandmates but, they don't really count as friends do they?

About fifteen minutes later I arrived at Visions Academy, it was a large building and there was a massive crowd of students standing on the staircase talking to their friends. I felt intimidated by this but pressed on continuing my way into the school, looking around at the place's massive interior. There were two floors with a massive staircase in the middle leading up to the second floor. I continued to stand there, taking in my surroundings when all of a sudden someone bumped into my shoulder, catching me off guard.

"Oh hey sorry," He said before doing a double take and looking back at me. He was cute, about 5' 9", with curly black hair and dark brown eyes. He looked at me for a couple of seconds before finely muttering out "Are you new here?"

"Oh I... uh... yeah, I just transferred from Midtown if you know what that is," I replied to him stuttering. Something about him just captivated me, and gave me this weird feeling in my stomach, almost like butterflies.

"Yeah, I... uh used to go there a few years back," He said back to me, we stood there for a few seconds just staring into each other's eyes. "I'm Miles by the way."

"I'm Gwen" We continued to stand there for a couple of more seconds before the bell rang, sending students scrambling all over to get to class.

"I guess I'll uh see you around?" He said.

"Yeah see you around," I said back, not knowing what else to say. He walked away and I followed suit, pulling out my schedule and walking to my first class of the day, ELA.

What the hell was that, I've never felt that after just meeting someone before. He had this, thing, about him that just really reeled me in. I can't describe it but, it was such a weird feeling.

Miles' POV:

Wow, that was something else. I just met this new girl and just, I mean she was beautiful. She was pretty short, about 5' 5", and had golden blonde hair and beautiful green eyes I could just get lost in.

"Slow your role, Morales you just met her," I thought to myself, shaking my head as I walked towards my first class.

Classes were unnaturally sluggish that day, it felt like time itself had completely slowed down after that weekend. Then again his mind was racing, he couldn't help but continue to think about everything that was currently going on in his world. Preventing him from paying attention to any of the subjects being taught. He thought mainly about what he had seen on the news that morning. What the hell could that have been, what was Toomes doing? He also thought more and more about Gwen, his mind was seemingly drawn to her at every moment.

He couldn't put a finger on it, but something about her he was just drawn to. He had an idea but he didn't wanna put too much thought into it, I mean what the hell she probably had forgotten about him already. What's so special about me anyways?

The last period finally came which was physics, I was honestly exhausted after today. As I said, this day had been strangely sluggish for no apparent reason. I walked into the classroom, where students were already finding their seats. I sat down in my usual seat, in the middle of the classroom with one empty seat to my right. Before I knew it there she walked in, still as beautiful as the moment I met her. She locked eyes with me for a moment, before turning her head. I watched as she walked over to where I was and sat down at the desk next to me.

Class soon started however the entire class I felt this longing to just turn around and talk to her. I snuck a few glances over at her, her eyes were dead set on the board while some movie was playing. I felt her look over at me a couple of times, each time my heart began racing and I could feel myself getting warmer. What the hell was wrong with me?

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