Chapter Five: Always Even

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     It takes a while for the stage to get set up, you find it hard not to trip over the countless wires which extend from all the equipment. The boys take turns changing into their stage clothes while you're busy assisting with the setup. Soon enough, the stage is ready and fans begin making their way through the gates. From your spot on the side of the stage, you can see Thom pacing around nervously while plucking imaginary guitar strings.
Now that all five of the boys are backstage, you pick up your extra camera in its makeshift gift box and make your way to the dressing room. As you glance around the room, you spot a guitar case that belongs to Jonny and you place the camera next to it. Using a pen and schedule paper you found lying around, you scrawl a quick note on the back of it and leave it underneath the box. As quickly as you came, you retreat to your spot just in time to take photos of the band walking on stage. Thom glances over to you and you give him a thumbs-up, he returns with a smile and begins to play Blowout.

     As the show progresses, the crowd is ecstatic, the band is amazing and you've taken many pictures that you're proud of. You find it hard to keep your eyes off Jonny, he has such an interesting way of playing his guitar. The other members are great too, but there's just something about him that draws you in. As the setlist dwindles, Thom and Jonny's playing grows a lot more destructive. By the end of the show, they both swing their guitars around, pulling on the strings in a strange frenzy. This only amps up the crowd even more, who seem disappointed to watch the band leave. Thom exits in your direction, very excited to talk to you.
"What'd you think??"
"You were amazing!"
"I would totally hug you, but I am dreadfully sweaty."
"Just go change!" You push Thom in the direction of the dressing rooms as he cackles with delight.


     Jonny avoids you when he leaves the stage, very self-aware of how gross he must be from his guitar playing. Immediately, he makes his way back to the dressing rooms so he can fix himself up. In the middle of changing his shirt, Ed walks in and glances toward Jonny's guitar case.
"What's that?" Ed asks, pointing towards the case. Jonny finishes pulling his clean shirt over his head and notices the strange box,
"Dunno, I didn't put it there." He walks over to it, lifting the box and spotting the note underneath. The note reads: had a spare, now we're even. Jonny furrows his eyebrows in confusion, not quite putting any pieces together yet. He opens the box next, pulling the camera out... now it made sense.
"Isn't that y/n's?" Ed asked from across the room,
"It's mine now I suppose",
"That was nice of her."
"Yeah, it was." Jonny holds the camera against his chest for a moment, allowing himself to truly appreciate your kind gesture. Once he felt he savored the moment enough, he returned everything to the box and finished getting ready.

When Jonny stepped out of the dressing room to find you, he was met with countless interviewers trying to get a word in. The crowd only grew as his bandmates met him outside. There was no way they were making it to this after-party.
Question after question became increasingly exhausting, but finally, the crowd had fizzled out and left.
"Does anyone else not feel like partying tonight?" Thom asked with a yawn,
"Yeah mate, I'm not feeling it," Ed responded, rubbing his temples. Jonny didn't have a problem with going straight to the hotel, but he still longed to hang out more with you. Sure, you two could talk in the van, but he'd wanted to be with you without the presence of his fellow bandmates. As everyone discussed whether or not to go to the party, Jonny hatched a plan to invite you to his hotel room, that way you two could finally be alone. He just had to work up the courage to ask.


The ride back was awfully quiet, everyone seemed exhausted from the show, and from what you could tell, the majority of the boys had fallen asleep. You were positive Thom was asleep, since his body lay limp against your arm. The soft hum of driving over the street below was only broken by the occasional snore from who you assumed was Ed. Luckily, the ride wasn't too long and you made it to the next hotel without any problems. While you helped unload the van, a groggy Thom engulfed you in a weak hug.
"That's 'cause I didn't do it earlier",
"Thanks for remembering"
"G'night y/n."
"Goodnight Thom." He awkwardly made his way inside the hotel with help from Phil, who hadn't felt the need to nap yet. You picked up your bags and headed towards your room, flopping onto the bed.
A glance at your sleeves caused you to realize you still had Jonny's jacket. Shit! You made your way outside as fast as you could, spotting Jonny unlocking his door down the hallway.
"Jonny! Wait a moment!" He turned to face you in surprise as you rushed towards him.
"Something the matter?", Jonny asked. It took you a few seconds to catch your breath.
"I almost forgot about this", you slide the jacket off your shoulders and hand it to him.
"Oh, that's fine. You could've waited 'til tomorrow though, we see each other every day." You feel a bit embarrassed now, and your cheeks turn pink.
"Yeah, that was stupid of me.... uhm goodnight", hastily you spin around and take a step toward your room, hoping to hide your shame. But before you can make it far, Jonny grabs your wrist and you turn back around to face him.
"If you're not too tired, I'd like to hang out." You look up at him, nodding slightly.
"Yeah, let me get ready for bed first",
"Take your time, I'll be waiting."


Jonny waits patiently on his bed, he's already changed into shorts and a t-shirt which is his usual sleeping attire. When the door swings open and he sees you, his heart skips a beat. He's always thought you were pretty, but you look even prettier now.

You had taken your makeup off and let your hair down, as well as slipping into something you found more comfortable. This made you nervous because Jonny had yet to see you in this state and you feared he wouldn't like it. You didn't usually care much about how other people thought you looked, but with Jonny, you felt the need to look your best around him. Softly, you pull the door shut behind you, moving to sit next to Jonny on the bed. There are a few seconds of you two just looking at each other before Jonny finally speaks up,
"I saw the gift you left me, you didn't have to do that." Your face softens and you smile.
"I just wanted to give you something since you've been so kind. Besides, I have too many cameras anyways."
"If I'm being dreadfully honest, I could use your help learning to use it." Jonny slides off the bed to go and fetch the camera, once he finds it, he hands it to you.
"It's not much different than the one you already own." You point at each part of the camera and give him a brief explanation of what it does, Jonny nods along as you speak. Once you finish, you turn the camera to Jonny and take a photo of him. You glance down at the camera's screen to admire your craftsmanship.
"Cute! Now you do me", Jonny takes the camera and snaps a photo of you, then another, and another.
"Not fair! I only got to do one!" Playfully, you grab the camera and lay down on the bed, laughing as you look through the photos. Jonny lays down next to you, but when he faces you, you take another picture of him. You continue your fit of laughter at the camera as Jonny watches you, admiring everything about you. He wishes he could just grab your face and kiss you, but before he can reach out his hands, you sit up.
"Now that I've taught you something, you have to teach me the guitar."
"I'm sure that's easier said than done",
"Are you doubting me?" You raise an eyebrow at him, Jonny sits up to grab his guitar.
"Just don't say I didn't warn you." Jonny sits the guitar on your lap and wraps the strap around your shoulder. Finally, he hands you a pick, taking your hand and helping you hold the pick correctly.
"Play a C chord", Jonny instructs. You look at him like he's crazy.
"Here just follow my lead."

For the next few minutes, Jonny helps you learn chords by manually placing your fingers on the correct frets and strings. You can't help but feel flustered when he takes his hand in yours, gently instructing you on where to go next.
"Okay, maybe you were right, it isn't easy" Jonny looks up from the guitar and locks eyes with you.
"Nothing a little practice won't help."


Eventually, it gets late and you mutually agree you should head to bed. You tell Jonny that you've had a wonderful time and leave his room. Once you make it back to your own, you shut the door and flop onto your bed, holding your face in your hands and kicking your legs like a lovesick teenager. God, you couldn't wait to see him again.

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Daydreaming [Jonny Greenwood x Fem Reader]Where stories live. Discover now