Found my wife

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the door opens.
Wow. There stand the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I'm not sure who she is or what she's doing here. But she's gorgeous. She got long brown hair which has loose  curls in it perfectly framing her face. Her dress fits her perfectly hugging her curves. There's a slit down on off her legs revealing a sliver of olive skin. Fuck i want to feel her skin on mine. 
I clear my throat,

"Take a seat" i say motioning to the seats in front of Maxwell and I. "Who's this you've brought with you?" I question him.

"This is my daughter. Amelia" he says taking a seat.
I knew he had daughters but I didn't know one of them was this beautiful. I offer  my hand to her,
"It's nice to meet you" i say. She hesitates but takes my hand. She's just as smooth as i expected.

I turn to Maxwell and  find him staring at Amelia. A  wave of possessiveness comes over me. I elbow his stomach.
"Stop eye fucking her Maxwell, this is business" i say annoyed.

"Anyway, were is my money" i say turning back to Mr rivers.
"I don't have your money but I have a better offer!" Mr River says raising his eyebrows. I can't fucking wait to here his idea.
"But Amelia can you step out  the room for a minute" he says to her.
"No she can stay" i say. I don't know  why but I don't want her to leave.

"She won't like it. Please step out" He pleads.
"Spit it out then" Maxwell raises hiss voice. He's short tempered. But right  now i understand the  anger.

"Fine, You will take my daughter, and you can use her for a month or so. I don't care what you do just do something with her" he says casually.
"What?" Me and Maxwell say in unison. Amelia just lets out a sigh and  looks down.
"I said you can have her for a month torture her, sleep with her, do anything you want. But after she is returned alive" he says.
I can't help but notice Amelia's expression. Her poker face is good but i can see the anger behind her eyes. If I wasn't playing close attention I would of missed the slight wobble in her chin.

"You want us to rape  her" Maxwell says in disbelief.
No father would ever hand there daughter to us.
"Yes. Then my debts payed." Mr Rivers say.

Then I get  an idea.
I turn to Maxwell.
"I'll marry her." I say quietly,
"I didn't think you were like that, Leo"
"I won't rape her, I'll marry her. She'll be my wife" i reply.
"Oh right. Fine with me" he says sitting back in his chair.

I turn back to Mr Rivers.
"I'll take her" i say abruptly, i see tears forming  in Amelia's eyes but she quickly blinks them away.
"Perfect" Mr Rivers says standing to shake  my hand.
"To be my wife" he stilts.
"What" He questions,
"She will marry me, she will be my wife" i say smirking at his reaction.
"I won't marry you" Amelia shoots up from her  seat.
Mr Rivers pushes her back down.
"Yes you will, ok you can have her" he says.

"Please dad, don't do this" she pleads gabbing  onto his arm. He shakes her off.
"Amelia don't be a brat, get up we're leaving, it's settled." He says walking towards the door. She stands. I see her hands shaking as she tries hiding them behind her back. I want to know what she's thinking.

"I'll meet  you tomorrow, to discuss the plans for the wedding" i say to her.
She nods in defeat turning to the door.

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