PART - 1

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Second Chance in Life

#some day in 2019.

You gawked yourself in the mirror one more time while releasing your hair from tangles and applied your strawberry lip balm on your soft lips. Satisfied with your look you were desperately waiting for your boyfriend at your home in your parents absence. You would be terrored if it was the first time he sneaked into your home but it's a habit for you both to hangout whenever you skip your college.

Today you were more desperate to hangout with him as he was busy for 10 days with his cousin's wedding and you couldn't talk to him properly even on calls. You were checking on the door for a sign of him but he was nowhere to be seen. Heaving an exasperated sigh you turned around only to hear the door unlocking.

You gleamed in happiness when your beautiful eyes met his. You dashed onto him whilst caging him in between your arms making him stumble. You uttered

I missed you sooooo much which erupted more like a muffled voice as you snuggled more into his buff chest. You could hear his giggles looking at your childish self. He pulled back from you holding your shoulders,then made you walk towards the couch where he plopped and dragged you onto his lap, while you gasped at his sudden action but wrapped your arms around his nape as you kissed his cheek and he gave you a teasing look muttering Missed me a lot I see

You blushed looking away only to gasp as he squeezed your waist.


you screamed in dismay but could feel hundreds of butterflies erupt in your heart making it beat more than its pace.

Look at me when I am with you

he demanded making you flush all over again. uhmm hmm you cleared your throat easing the air between you both and questioned So how was your cousin's wedding? Did you enjoy your time with family and friends?

Yeah! I did. Hey let me tell you something interesting

he murmured as he made you sit beside him. Okay, you mumbled turning towards him with your entire focus on him. So it happened like this, I saw a gorgeous girl at my cousin's home. She was very beautiful. His words left as if he was recalling her visage in daze while you started to feel an uncomfortable feeling surrounding your heart yet you shrugged paying attention to him.

I wondered who she was at first but she was my cousin's friend. Veronica. She was chit chatting with everyone else except me and was staring at me like she has a thing for me. You continued to hear, gradually increasing uneasiness inside you. So we were teasing around all day among everyone and during the night we all cousins had a movie night and she sat beside me with my cousin and some other people next to her. All of a sudden there was a power cut and she pulled me by my nape and kissed me.

You were in utter shock hearing his words and could feel your heart drop its beat.

"And you didn't stop her or slap her for doing like that? " You questioned only to feel a pang in your heart.

I didn't want to hit such a beautiful girl, Yn. And guess what her lips were so sweet.

He said pulling your last string. You felt like someone pierced into your heart with great force. Words can't describe the emotions you were going through. Seriously Jungkook? You scowled standing up instantly.

How could you do that Jungkook ? didn't you remember that you have a girlfriend? You have ME?

You questioned as your voice increased. What's a big deal yn? She just kissed me and that's it. He muttered, shrugging his shoulders as if it's not a big deal.

Second Chance in LifeWhere stories live. Discover now