I glance around at my new squad mates and can't help but wonder which of us, if any, will make it to that flight field, let alone the valley. My money is on Liam making it all the way.

"And if we're not?" Nadine, the first-year behind me that hates all marked ones, asks being a smart-ass.

"Then I won't have to be concerned with learning your name, since it will be read off tomorrow morning," Arya answers with a simple shrug.

The third-year ahead of me snorts a laugh, the movement jangling two small hoop earrings in his left lobe, as he waits to walk with the squad leader to their first class.

"We don't have any repeat cadets in our squad this year, so no one to make sure you get to class. It's going to be on the fourth floor, second room on the left in the academic wing. Better get going if you want to be on time," Arya orders, and our squad breaks apart earlier than the other squads do. The second- and third- years walk off in the other direction with Arya.

Liam and I run to grab our stuff from the third floor and start walking to history.

Oh shit.

Xaden Riorson is watching Violet with narrowed eyes, the sleeves of his uniform rolled up his massive arms that remain folded across his chest, the warning in his relic-covered arm on full display as a third-year next to him says something that he blatantly ignores.

My heart jumps and lodges in my throat. There's maybe twenty feet between him and Violet, only about ten between him and me. I have to pass him to get to class.

Liam, completely unworried, keeps walking with his eyes locked on Violet.

Xaden's head tilts, and he studies her, like he's deciding where she is most vulnerable. Should I run Violet, get between them and walk her to class?

Liam makes it to Violets side, just as everyone's attention shifts, to Dian emerging from behind the pillar that Violet just left.

"What are you—?" Dain starts as he reaches her and Liam, his brow furrowed in confusion.

Violet says something and Dain's gaze snaps up as the crowd thins out around us, and he, not-so-subtly steps closer to Violet and Liam. Fewer people mean fewer witnesses, but I'm not foolish enough to think Xaden won't kill her or me in front of the whole quadrant if he wants.

"I already knew your parents are tight," Xaden calls out, a cruel smile tilting his lips. "But do you two have to be so fucking obvious?"

The few cadets who are still in the rotunda turn to look at the drama about to go down.

"Let me guess," Xaden continues, glancing between Dain and Violet. "Childhood friends? First loves, even? I expected you to do a better job of hiding where your affections lie, Aetos." Xaden moves, walking down the steps.

Shit. Shit. Shit!

"Cadet Mairi, please escort Cadet Sorrengail to class. Now!" Dain orders them.

Violet bolts for it, Liam looks back at me before following her after I nod.

Dain sees me over Xaden's shoulder and smirks. "You are giving Violet and I a hard time when the daughter of the man who actually killed your father is standing right behind you?"

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