Bright and I looked at her silently, asking why.

"I-it will be better. Also, the alpha can take the ultrasound images of last week's scan from the same place," she said, giving a faint smile.

"Oh yeah," Bright mumbled.

"You should go get them then." I ushered, knowing how the doctor had something she wanted to tell me privately.

Doctor Zunshine watched as Brightlefte the room and made sure the door was closed. Then she came back quickly, looking more nervous than before.

"I- I want to confess something," she said in a rather low voice. I looked at her, confused, as she took another file and started going through it. She looked like she was in a hurry and also in a panic.

"T-these are the re-results of your genetic test," she said calmly and pressed one of the papers to my hands.

"What does it say?" I asked curiously. "I won't understand," I said. It was true that I did science and worked as a nurse, but I didn't work in the genetic area or study anything related to this case.

She took a deep breath and took the paper from me again.

"Y-you'll have to calm down first," she mumbled and took a seat on the chair where Bright sat before. It was right next to the bed I was resting on.

"What bad news it is?" I asked in a sullen voice.

"There's a change in your genes," she said.

"Means?" I asked.

"How did it go when you were an omega?" she asked slowly as if slowly reaching for the worst point.

"Mmm, kind of bad, so bad. Like I.. hid about it from my family.. only my friend who came last week knew about it." I said.


"So... a few months back, I had to come out because of a sudden heat," I explained shortly.

"A-and so you took medicines to hide your scent before you came out?" she asked.

"Yeah, to hide my scent.. every day," I mumbled.

"D-did you know Win.." she started slowly gulping. "Those suppressants are recommended only for emergencies... and their saturation is so high.... also there are many side effects."

I hummed. "I know... but I had no choice but to use them every day," I said as the reason.

"Yeah... so... uhm.. according to the results... the suppressants have worked on your body like a drug...... a-and-" she quickly looked away when our eyes met.

I realized what she meant by her words.

My body shuddered at her words and my assumptions.

"Y-you are saying that B-Bubble is.... li-like this be-because of m-me?" I asked, whispering the last part.

Doctor Zunshine slowly nodded, looking at me.

It hit me hard... a burning sensation spread in my heart.

I gasped and covered my lips with both my hands. No one.. literally no one can even imagine what I felt at that moment... that dreadful day.

I was pregnant with our Bubble...

a-and I was also the reason he was going to suffer in his life.. it was all because of me...

We didn't know what type of abnormality he had, whether it was minor or major, whether it was going to end up well or bad.

How much I hated myself to the point I wanted Bubble to have another birth parent... I wanted Bright to have another lovely mate... my parents to have another responsible and good son... I wanted to vanish from the world because... I was hurting my own son.

Ever So Sweet | BrightWinWhere stories live. Discover now