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"What the hell did you just say?!" Bright yelled at the doctor. I quickly pulled him back and tugged at his arm to bring him back from his angry self. I was also feeling messy inside. I didn't even know what to think.

"B-Bright, calm down a bit, okay? Let her talk first." I stuttered and tried to calm him down. He glanced sidewise at me and said nothing. At least. Though I was feeling stressed about the situation, I knew I shouldn't panic at a moment like that.

"What d-do you exactly mean, doctor?" I slowly asked.

"W-we found unusual symptoms before and told you, didn't we? And last week, those were visible in the scan too... We thought it would cease but didn't... however, we couldn't assume anything because we didn't have any proof at first." she slowly said.

"Y-you are saying t-that my baby ha-has some problem? And you can prove i-it?" I asked, mentally pleading for her to say no.


The grip I had around Bright's arm dropped. I knew I wouldn't be the luckiest person. Problems kept on following me... but this... Tears bubbled into my eyes within seconds.

I felt so helpless as Bubble's birth parent. I couldn't believe those words said by the doctor. I loved our Bubble so much, but.. thinking there was something wrong.. an abnormality... hurt me so much.

There was nothing I could do, nothing. I felt so helpless. It was happening.. and was there no way to treat him?

Bright quickly held my shoulders when I started crying. There were so many things stuck in my mind, and I wanted to let them out. I didn't know why bad things kept on following me like that.

"Let it out, okay?" Bright asked in a small voice, and I realized he was also holding back his sorrow because he didn't want to break apart in front of me. He tried his best not to show his true emotions because I was already falling down.

"I- I can't believe this! Where did it go wrong, Bright?! Where??? Was it my fault?? Was it something I ate or when I didn't follow what you said and did housework?! Or how did this happen?? How could this be happening?" I yelled, crying aloud.

I didn't mind at all how loud I was crying out or even if there was another person in the room. All that occurred in my mind was.. our baby was different from normal. I didn't want to call it abnormal.

"Why did it turn out like this??" I asked Bright again, though I knew he didn't have any answers.

Bright looked at me and rubbed my back but said nothing. I wanted to cry forever.

"But- uh... we predicted what it might be-", Doctor Zunshine started. "We didn't notice any physical difference... so we are assuming it might be a minor case.. as in an internal problem or something like blindness."

"It's not small, is it??" I accused her of her usage of words. I wanted to smash the whole world into tiny bits and destroy everything. "Bright, this cannot be happening! Why??"

"No.. yes, it will be alright. We'll be able to treat him. It's not going to be a big thing.." Bright said, hugging me tightly. He was slightly shaking from his silent cries.

We stayed in the same position hugging each other and silently crying. We had no other way to push out our emotions.

One thing I thought in my mind was I didn't care our Bubble was going to be different from others... cause I loved him anyways. But I badly wanted to know how it happened... out of nowhere.

Bright broke the hug and wiped my tears, smiling at me. I felt relieved to see his smile, and it made me feel much better.

"C-can I talk alone with Win?" the doctor nervously asked.

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