(go for it)

7 0 0

[thanks for that one piece of text we had like a two weeks ago, it inspired me to write 😀]

My room right now.... Its very interesting, to say the least. It has like, no furniture, no accessories, except that one book Technoblade get from the library that he insists I should read. I think it was called "The Art of War"? or something. I will never be reading that, case closed. There is also a computer there that I have no idea what the password is, and I don't want to ask, so its useless. When foster care comes they would probably think I'm being abused because literally have nothing in my room. So, in short,

time to go bother Phil.

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.


where is Phil's room again?



that was a bad tatic. Anyway, it saved time.



Guess he's out. Whatever. I think I can do this by myself.
I think his room is downstairs, right? ... I am so bad at this shit.

"A stupid child. Doesn't even know how to work the washing machine. How is he so stupid? He was well-mannered when we first met."

"Mother, you know that brainwashing brat shouldn't waste any of your time. In fact, why don't we lock him up in the basement? It needs a good cleaning anyway."

"oh, good idea hon! Go lock him up, would you?"

"Yes, Mother."

"Tommy?! TOMMY? Are you here? Tommy?"

"Helen? I mean- Henry?"

"Oh my god... I'm so sorry Tommy. Even though the basement might seem like a bad place, there is a fridge down there. I restocked it last night, so please eat it. Come on, Tommy."

"Henry... Will you stay with me tonight too?"

"Of course."

"Get in, Tom y. I ave to lea e n w."


" es ommy?'

"Nevermind. Where are you going?"

"Sal n. H re's a c w plu h f r you T mm ."


" other! W at are y u do ng her ?"

"How could you! You've been caring for that ungrateful prick behind my back! Even though you knew he had been breaking things and making me pay for it! Helen! You stay down here. I'm dropping you both off at Foster Care tomorrow!"

" ther! Plea e! on't do th s!"

The door has already shut.

" o s rry mmy. ome he e.

"Henry? Why are you crying?"

"Go o sl ep, Tom y. Go dni ht."

"I'll never be free from this curse, will I?"

"Sor T m y. I w sn't ab e to pr t ct yo t is tim ."

"I'll free you, I promise."

".... Go for it."

"TOMMY! Are you okay? Tommy?"


" Hey Tommy. Uh, you were having a panic attack by the stairs. Were you looking for Phil? He's busy right now. I heard you screaming for Phil."

"I- Sorry Techno.... I'll leave."

"Uh- okay..."

I run the fuck out of there. Oh, how I miss my bed. Just open the fucking door and-
Oh... It's Wilbur's room.

Might as well look around. There's a guitar in the corner, with a music stand and a messy desk with a computer on it. There are still clothes in the closet, and the bed isn't even made. There are lots of other things, like questionable discs hanging on the wall. Will I get in trouble for it? Probably. I don't care at this point. I make my way over there.

I boot up the computer and sit on the chair at the same time. Oh, looks like it needs a password. If this guy is this messy, I bet his password is somewhere in the papers.
Found it! The password is.....

"No..... No..... It can't be....." I can't breathe i can't breathe I can't breathe I can't breatheicantbreathe
Helpmehelp me help he p mehelp me help help help me me me mem help help help help help help please.... Help
elpmehelp me help he p mehelp me help help help me me me mem help help help help help help help me me
elpmehelp me help he p mehelp me help help help me me me mem help help help help help

(I vaguely feel a hand and a hug, but I'm not processing it. How could he know? Who even is this Wilbur? I'm being carried right now, but all I can think about is Henry. Henry and that Wilbur guy. How.... How?.... Henry... I never saw Henry. In fact, who is Henry? I never met a Henry, and there never was a Henry. Henry never existed, but apparently Wilbur knows. Wilbur knows Henry, but he doesn't exist. How... How? Henry isn't here. Wilbur couldn't have known Henry. Unless...

But that isn't an option. Erase it. I don't know how he knows Henry gave me a cow plush, but nobody should know. Henry isn't alive, so nobody should know. Henry doesn't exist.

Henry doesn't exist.)

"A forest without and entrance and exit is simply just a free mind. Nobody controls it. Time and space know nothing of it. It is simply.... Nothing. It never exist"


Waking up to a sleeping Techno on a chair is very surprising, yet f a m il ia r. Not like it's kind of cute or anything, it's just.... Comforting. Someone willing enough to not sleep on a bed and watch over someone they met not too long ago is...... I don't know the word.

What's that on Techno's lap? A book? "The .. Art .. of ... War." Never heard of that book. Looks fun.


"AHH- Owww.... Fuck." Accidentally hitting someone in the head with your own head is a normal occurrence. Totally normal. That hurt. Is Techno even okay? He didn't even flinch.

"Tommy, I'm fine. Stop looking at me with those eyes like my pet polar bear just died because it jumped off a pillar......"

"WHAT?! You had a polar bear? And it died by jumping off a pillar? Did you name it? What did you name it? Steve?"

"Huh? Why would I ever have a polar bear? I already have a dog."


[1000 words]

[The forest? What are you talking about? There was never a forest? And you should stop talking about that Henry. He doesn't exist. I don't know a Henry.]

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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