Chapter 30

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After two weeks... Zermat Switzerland...

Christmas and New Years are over, but that doesn't stop Jenice, Nikki and Sarah from continuing to celebrate and relax.

Nikki came up with the idea of ​​traveling to Switzerland with Jenice and Sarah. The little girl was the most excited as it was the first time for her and her mother when they were leaving the territory of the United States, visiting a country on another continent.

At the ski resort, all three, but especially Sarah, were enchanted by the Alps and the pure white snow. Nikki and Jenice couldn't get Sarah out of the snow. The little girl made about three snow angels, screaming so frantically.

The adults had to book their cabin and unpack their luggage, but the child was too thrilled.

The next day the three arrived at the ski slope, Nikki is teaching Sarah how to ski.

"Nikki! Watch this!" Little Sarah shouts from the top of her lungs, dressed in proper ski equipment, pushing herself into her skis, sliding down the slippery white hill where Nikki and Jenice are waiting for her, both delighted to see her so fulfilled.

"Well done!" Nikki praises the little girl who manages to reach them without an incident. "I knew you could do it," he smiles and Jenice glances at the two of them, her heart filling with contentment.

It's almost dusk and the three of them are still out there in the fluffy snow. They all play one more turn, so that afterwards they can rest at their cabin.

This time, however, probably because the visibility is not so good because it getting dark, Sarah takes a different route, far from the adults.

Nikki and Jenice notice this and look alarmed at Sarah. They both shout at her.

The little girl luckily dodges some trees and screams because soon afterwards she gets buried in a pile of snow. She can't find the power to move from there, to get out. She doesn't even have the strength to cry. She is just waiting for her mother and Nikki to find her.

She hears a muffled noise. Probably the voices of Jenice and Nikki. But Sarah can't figure it out. She already feels suffocated by the voluminous snow.

A noise is suddenly heard that is getting closer and closer to her. She feels both her legs being grabbed and she is pulled, now seeing the pitch of the dark outside.

She hears the voice of a man and a woman.

"Is she all right?" The woman asks.

"I don't know... Let's check it out."

As Sarah is lying on the ground, she sees a man's face. It's not Nikki, but it looks a bit like him. He has the same green eyes as he.

"Hey sweetie," he smiles but is worried. "Are you ok?"

"Can you breathe well?" The woman also reaches out to Sarah, worried too.

She is not her mother either. But she reminds Sarah of her. She has a warmth in her voice like her mother's.

The little girl nods her head and tries to get up, the man gently pulls her hand, Sarah stands upright.

Two familiar panicked voices are heard.

"Sarah! Sarah!"

The man looks at the two and turns his head towards Sarah, smiling:

"Your mother and father are also here."

Two panicked adults run and kneel to her.

"Honey," her mother touches her shoulder. "Are you ok?"

Sarah shakes her head slightly, looking confused, her small dark eyes fixed on Nikki who is just so relieved to see her well.

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