As Nayeon walked away, the echoes of her departure reverberated through the room. Jihyo was left grappling with the weight of her words, the realization of her own thoughtlessness crashing down upon her. Tears welled in her eyes as remorse consumed her, the depth of her guilt too heavy to bear alone.



Jihyo's phone interrupted the heavy atmosphere, the ringing slicing through the lingering tension. Hastily, she wiped her tears, her face still stained from the emotional turmoil. The name of the caller flashed on her screen, and she took a deep breath before answering.

"H-hello? Mina?" Her voice trembled, betraying the remnants of her recent tears.

"Hey, Jihyo-ya—wait, are you crying?" Mina's concerned voice flowed through the line.

Jihyo let out a shaky exhale, attempting to regain her composure. "O-oh, is that really obvious? I'm fine... just—just remembering the past." She attempted a weak chuckle and dabbed at her nose. Jihyo and Mina had managed to maintain their connection even after the incident. It had been Jihyo who had persistently reached out to everyone. "Anyways, why did you call?"

"W-well, I think I know why you're crying. I miss them, too, you know?" Mina's laughter held a touch of nostalgia as she closed her laptop. "Jeongyeon's voice is still as soothing as ever, right?"

"W-wait, you're back!?" Jihyo's surprise was palpable, her eyes widening in astonishment. "Where are you right now?"

"Of course I'm back. We made a promise to Nayeon unnie, right? I'm at the hotel right now." Mina's response was laced with a hint of hesitation, knowing the implications of her absence. "How's Chaeyoung?"

Jihyo's heart softened at the mention of their missing friend. "She's... doing her best. We all are, Mina-ya. But it's not the same without you. We've missed you."

A heavy pause hung between them, the weight of unspoken emotions bridging the distance. Mina's voice held a hint of remorse. "I'm sorry, Jihyo-ya. I should've been there."

"It's not your fault, Mina-ya. We understand." Jihyo's voice held a mixture of understanding and empathy. "We're just glad you're back."

"You think... she's still waiting for me?" Mina asked with anticipation.

"Well, I can't answer that, Mina-ya. But don't worry. All I know is that... she never dated anyone." Jihyo assured.

Mina let out a relieved sigh. "Thank you, Jihyo-ya. I'll be there soon. We have a lot to catch up on."

"Yeah, we do." Jihyo's tone brightened, the prospect of reuniting with Mina easing the ache in her heart. "And don't worry, I'll make sure everything's okay when you see Chaeyoung."



In the aftermath of the heated argument, the once-tight bond between the friends seemed to have momentarily unraveled, casting a somber mood over their everyday lives. The consequences of their clash were felt in their interactions with their families and personal activities.

Chaeyoung found herself reprimanded by her mother as she attempted to assist with vegetable harvesting. Her well-intentioned effort was marred by the unintentional selection of unripe produce, leading to her mother's frustration.

Dahyun, who usually helped her father with fish arrangements, faced criticism after accidentally spilling the day's catch on the boat. Her father's disappointment lingered, magnified by the emotional turmoil that had affected them all.

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