Star Plasma vessel

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The door suddenly slid open and Geto dismissed the curse with a wave of his hand, y/n looking back with wide eyes to see Yaga. She turned back to see the two boys stretching as if they hadnt been at each others throat the moment before. A laugh bubbled up in her throat and she covered her mouth, stifling it.

"what are the three of you doing here?" He grumbled as they ignored him and continued to stretch. "where did shoko go?"

"im not sure, i think shes taken her leave for today," y/n spoke up, suddenly giggling as geto and gojo continued to feign innocence. The two started to shake, before they all started laughing hysterically. Yaga raised a brow, clearing his throat to try and get their attention.

"ehem, nevermind that. There is a mission for you three."

Y/n perks up, clearly excited, turning to look at the two boys who only sighed in exasperation, leaning away from each other. Yaga tilted his head at their reaction.

"whats with that look?"


They said in unison, while y/n snickered. Yaga led them out of the gym, talking as they walked. The three listened intently, wind blowing to greet them.

"Frankly, I think this mission is too demanding for you guys, but master tengen named the three of you specifically."

"e- even me-?"

Y/n was shocked. She was nowhere up to par with the two men infront of her. Although she possessed such high amounts of cursed energy, her technique was similar to utahime, just that her senior had more control of its effects. In her humble opinion, y/n was nothing but potential. Potential even she didnt know how to utilize.

"yes. You are to aid master tengen, actually, so your role is most crucial"

"i- what-? B- but wouldnt utahime-san be better for this...?"

Yaga shook his head.

"you are a product of heavenly restriction. Y/n, your cursed energy far outweighs hers, even almost up to par to satoru's. Your cursed technique works not only by amplifying but by protecting the soul of the person you are with"

"i see," gojo mused, before raising his hand. "but, wasnt master tengen able to do this for years by himself? Why would he suddenly need help now?"

"it merely makes the process easier, that is all. This mission has two parts. Star plasma vessel the suitable vessel for master tengen. You will guard the girl and get rid of her"

They entered a building, yaga leading them through a few hallways and doors. Y/n seemed to be lost in thought as geto had been guiding her as she walked in a trance-like state. Yaga opened one last door, and all three of them followed inside.

It was a classroom, geto sitting down while gojo took the chair next to him. Y/n remained standing as they turned their attention to yaga who started talking.

"Although master tengens technique is immortality, hes not ageless. Aging alone isnt a problem, but when aging exceeds a certain level, the cursed technique will try to rebuild the body. Evolution. He will no longer be a human, but a higher level being."

"Isnt that good?" gojo suddenly interjected. "it sounds cool"

"According to master tengen, once that stage is reached, he wont be master tengen anymore. As long as the body is rejuvenated, the curse techniques effects will be restored. And there will be no evolution"

Gojo and y/n nodded, the white haired man deep in thought before speakng.

"I understand. So its okay to evolve inti a metal greymon, but not into a skull greymon. We have to start over fron a koromon, right?"

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