They could see utahime getting out from under some things, looking around in fear and confusion. Gojo flew over, finding a stable place to stand on before looming condescendingly over utahime, looking down on her.

"We came here to save you~" He leaned down, glassed tilting to expose his bright blue eyes. "Are you crying?"

Y/n slapped his arm softly, looking exasperated as gojo activated his infinity. She glared at him before walking over to help up utahime, who thankfully took her hand.

"quit picking on utahime-san like that-!"


Gojo leaned closer, as close as he had the night prior, and y/n flinched, drawing back. She huffed, face flushed as mei chuckled. The senior held an amused expression, brows raised slightly.

"If i cried would you comfort me?" Mei suddenly spoke up, arms crossed. Y/n frowned at her words as gojo laughed. "i'd really like that"

"well... Nope!" The white haired man exclaimed, waving his arms in a 'no' motion. "you wouldnt cry anyway since youre so strong."

"is that so?"

"GOJO!" Utahime suddenly yelled, y/n tensing from beside her. She could feel a sudden fluctuation of cursed energy emanating fron behind and she tried to warn her senior to no avail.


"Listen carefully! I dont need you to save-"

A rumble popped up from behind her, a growl echoing from the curse that had appeared from behind them. Utahime yelped, y/n quickly turning around and blasting cursed energy towards the monster. It let out a groan, eyes glancing downwards to stare at the gaping hole in its belly, before collapsing into a pile of mesh.

"too bad.." Geto mused as he walked over, looking disappointed. "You didnt have to do that, L/n-chan. I was planning to absorb that later on."

"sorry," y/n sheepishly rubbed her head, while gojo whistled. "i acted on impulse."

"thats my girl," He pushed up her bangs to press a kiss on her forehead, eyes sparkling with pride. Utahime paused, eyes darting from the two of them, mei sighing.

"Ora~? Whats this?" Mei's eyes trained on y/n as she spoke, feint disappointment in her tone. "How interesting"

"HEH-?" The purple haired girl looked pale, as if she was going to pass out. "Dont tell me... MY LOVELY Y/N HE GOT TO YOU-?!"

Utahime held onto y/n pulling her away from gojo as Shoko walked over to them, waving.

"Utahime-san! Are you okay?" the second year smiled, cigarette in her lips as she spoke. "i was worried about ya, i havent heard from you in two days"

"shoko!" with y/n still smushed in her arms utahime ran towards the second year, hugging her tightly. "Dont become like the two of them, you hear me, y/n, shoko?"

Both of them nodded, enveloped in utahimes tight embrace. Y/n squirmed slightly. She could already feel the light bruises forming on her arms, but made sure to heal them as quickly as they came.

"i wont, i wont be like them, scums"

The third-year tenses. as if suddenly remembering something, thankfully loosening her hold on the two of them. Y/n rubbed her shoulders, moving away slightly.

"wait, two days?"

"i think the cursed spirits barrier had some sort of time distortion of some sort..." y/n said suddenly, while the others nodded. A small smile made its way to meis face as she spoke.

"so ive been working for two days, i think i should be paid extra for that.

"youre going to extort even more?"

"back to the topic," mei ignored utahime's comment as she faced the three second years and y/n. "where is the curtain?"

Everyone paused, staring blankly at her. Gojo only smiled, shoko adverting her eyes while geto just froze. Utahime turned to all four of them. Even y/n was stumped, brows furrowed as she tried to remember if she had put down the curtain or not. She was positive gojo said he'd do it. Or was that geto?

Mei sighed disapprovingly, shaking her head while Utahime scolded them.

"Gosh! The likes of you! something like this is gonna be all over the news!"

True to her word, once they had returned back to jujustu high, Yaga had set them aside, gaze pointed at the four of them. He let the news play, frowning at he amount of coverage the destruction of the haunted house got.

"who forgot to pull down the curtain? Come forward"

The three of them had pointed to gojo to only smiled, before raising his hand. Y/n let out a sigh at his antics, watching him with amusement.

"Can we not find the culprit?"

"looks like its you, satoru"

Everyone except satoru was dismissed, as he was ordered to stay behind for a thorough scolding. After while he was finally kicked out, wandering into the gym to see all three of them seated and waving at him. Although y/n was only a first year, her history with gojo gave her the hall pass to hang out with the second years.

None of his friends disliked her, actually, they probably preferred her company compared to gojos. Though her connections with the seniors made her unapproachable to her classmates, she didnt really mind as she chose to hang out with shoko and geto.

Y/n waved at him, that childlike bright smile making its way to her face. Gojo grinned in return, waving back before taking a seat to her, shoko borrowing his glasses and giving it a try. He sighed, leaning against her.

"was it that bad?"

"nah, just missed you~" gojo chuckled as y/n tensed up, flushing bright red. Shoko looked away, turning to geto and fake gagging. "but anyway, is the curtain really necessary? Its not that big of a deal if ordinary people see it right?"

"well of course its a big deal"

"mhm! Its better that we dont worry them, since it'll be harder to keep them calm if theyre so frazzled" y/n nodded at geto's statement, agreeing with him. gojo tilted his head getting up suddenly. He stole the ball geto was bouncing and shot towards the ring, making the dark haired man frown.

"its tiring being nice to the weak"

"survival of the weak is the way society should be. Listen, satoru. Jujutsu exists to protect non-sorcerers"

"hes right you know," y/n got up as well, crossing her arms. "if everyone could protect themselves then we wouldnt be here in the first place"

"hmph. Making up reasons or responsibilities of having power is just the behavior of the weak, darling"

Gojo looked irked and y/n frowned at the sarcasm dripping off of the nickname he used for her. Geto seemed to notice this, raising his eyebrows at his friends actions.

"dont just stand there on your high horse making your big talk"

The two tensed. At this point they werent really sure who gojo was referring to. Shoko deadpanned, at the exchange hurriedly running off to avoid further involvement.

Geto held up his hand, summoning a large floating curse. Y/n tensed, poised to fight as gojo raised his brows at her actions. He crookedly smiled, blue eyes flashing momentarily.

"you sure you wanna fight me, darling?"


Y/n scoffed, looking annoyed as gojo laughed. Geto looked at him, motioning for him to come closer, grumbling as he retorted.

"lets talk outside, satoru"

"are you lonely? Go out yourself"

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