One Riot, Two Rangers

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[ 3rd Person POV ]

Early in the morning in the Texas sun you can see a peaceful town with crows cawing , wind blowing and birds chirping, that is until gun fire rain out of the bank that was in the center of the town.

Three thugs run out of a bank yelling at one another as they make their way to their getaway car.

Thug#1: Come on, move it!

Thug#2 You know what's in these bags? A lot of money.

Thug#3: Yeah, well I know a place in Mexico will take care of that, and plenty of it.

As they put their plunder in the their getaway car they heard someone yell at them.

Texas Ranger: Stop right there, Texas Rangers up your hands up.

When they heard the Ranger say that they turned around and only saw one Ranger, they all started to laugh then they all pulled their guns out and shot the Ranger then said.

Thug#2: That's all of it.

He said as he put the last bag in the getaway car while one of his parents in crime says.

Thug#3: What do wanna do with him.

He says looking at the dying Ranger in the street, one of his partners comes over and puts his hand on the others shoulder while saying.

Thug#1: In this heat, why not? Buzzards got to eat too.

He said while laughing going back to the Car, they got in the car and peeled out before anymore law enforcement came, leaving the now dying Ranger.

His name was Adam Sinclair, he was the partner of Andrew Walker.

{ 3 days later in Mexico}
[ Andrew's POV ]

Me and Cordell was making our way towards the cantina that we were told the men that gunned down Adam would be at I was determined to avenge my partners death he had a newborn baby and a wife which makes me even more mad.

Cordell: You ok Andrew I know Adam meant a lot to you.

As he spoke I was broke out of my thoughts, I looked at my brother and said.

Andrew: He was there for me, he saved my life in Korea and I couldn't ever save him from being gunned down.

As I said that I punched the side of the door on my brothers door he scolded me.

Cordell: Hey! Please don't hit my truck.

I complied and apologized as he continued to talk.

Cordell: I understand what you are going through remember I lost my old partner the same way, and I'm here for you always.

Andrew: Thanks Washoe that means a lot.

After I said that we pulled up to the cantina, we got out looking at the establishment as I walk over to Cordell and say.

Andrew: Are you sure your informant got the location right?

He looks at me with a smirk then walked behind the truck and opened the tailgate then came back to me and said.

Cordell: Have faith little brother, I know you want them, I do to.

After he said that we walked into the cantina we heard music and a lot of laughing and carrying on, me and Cordell stood by the bar and heard a prominent voice say.

Thug#3: Hurry up with that beer, will ya? Did you see the look on that rangers face? I mean did you see it? He never saw it coming... Do you think found him before he died.
I feel sorry for those buzzards.

When he said that I wanted to anailate him for saying that I made a fist until my knuckles turned white, Cordell put his hand on my fist I looked up at him he gave me a sound and soft look, I released my fist and waited for my brothers green light to take them down.

He grabbed the beer and we started to walk over to them, when we got there Cordell put the beer on the table, the men looked up at us and one said.

Thug#1: What's this?

Cordell: Beer. You boys are under arrest.

Andrew: For bank robbery and the murder of Texas Ranger Adam Sinclair.

They looked at us and laughed then one said.

Thug#1: (Laughing) Stuff it buddies. You two don't got no jurisdiction south of the border.

Me and Cordell looked at eachother like we was thinking then we both said in unison.

Cordell/Andrew: Sounds about right.....

Cordell: W got not right?

When he said that I side kicked the man out of his chair he shot up and said with anger in his eyes.

Thug#1: I'm gonna cut your face.

After he said that I looked him dead in the eye and said with determination.

Andrew: Stop talking and do it...

Thug#1: This is Mexico, Rangers! You will die here.

Me and Cordell looked at eachother we both side kicked him he fell to the ground the rest of them charged I grabbed Cordell's wrist and spined him around to swing kick them in the face knocking them out.

We loaded them in the back of the truck and drove toward Texas, we made it to the border and the guard came up to Inspect the haul.

Border Guard: Bigger load than usual, you guys are gonna need some mighty strong detergent.

Cordell looked at me and we chuckled while saying in unison.

Cordell/Andrew: We reckon.

He rose the gate for us, as we made our way towards Texas I felt a little relieved that I finally got the ones that killed my partner I promised Jill I'd find the ones responsible now I can go back to her and tell her that we got 'em, and I promised Adam the day that him and Jill made me Aliza's godfather that if anything happened to them I'd always be there for her and I tend to keep that promise I owe Adam that much.

As we pulled up to the courthouse Trievette came out and came up to us as we got out of the truck he said.

Trievette: So did you get 'em.

I motioned for him to follow me I opened the tailgate to show him.

Trievette: Jesus, what did you do to these guys?

Me and Cordell looked at eachother and looked back at him then said.

Cordell: They resisted arrest.

Andrew: And we nullified their resistance.

Trievette just shook his head and helped us take them to Ranger HQ finally putting them away for the rest of their lives I'll make dang sure they do for what they did.

( To Be Continued)


What do you think of this chapter?

How will you think Alex will take there little trip south of the border?

Will they remain In jail.

Feedback is appreciated.

This is Skooter137 signing off till next time 🤘.

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