Chapter 7: Vendetta

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"Who makes himself a sheep, will be eaten by the wolf

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"Who makes himself a sheep,
will be eaten by the wolf."
Italian Proverbs


"What happened to you?"

She felt hollow, even as her familiar's voice wrapped her in its embrace. A cold feeling that she could not shake, a scene of carnage marring her bed room. The porcelain tub in the corner of her room had already been filled to the brim. Lavender hung on the spigot, the water steamed with some vanilla and rose-scented oil. She sauntered to it, already feeling her bone suture back into place with every passing minute.

Cian sat on the edge of her bed, as close as he could get to barely touching it. His tourmaline eyes followed her carefully, intense in their perusal. As worried as he must have been, he stayed home instead of tearing apart the city to find her, because she had requested him to. She refused to let the sick rise in her throat, at how different the night could have been if she had not charmed away their connection.

The one night he decided to listen to me.

A laugh was torn out of her, though nothing was humorous.

An immortal being she was. Poems were written about the curse of watching everything change where they remained the same. How the fruit of life grew sour, as loved ones were left behind.

Most children outlive their parents. No one could have prepared her to see them both die in a gruesome manner before their eyes.

Her mother made a choice. But her father...she had stolen his.

Because she refused to drink from humans. Because she took out her anger on lovers that meant nothing. Because she was arrogant, and selfish, and used her bravado to sweep away all of her problems.

Cian warned her it would all catch up to her one day.

She grabbed at the metal chain she wore around her neck, trying to keep her hand as steady as possible. Not for herself, but for her familiar who was now attempting to piece together their time without her saying a word. Ripping down and out, she tore the clove of garlic off herself.

"I saw my father." She spoke out into the air, adding more heated water to the tub. Needing it to burn her flesh.

Cian sat even more still on her bed. So frozen she caught his lack of movement from the corner of her eye. He was shocked, and possibly concerned that maybe she murdered him herself from the way she spoke about him before. He looked up and down her body again and decided on a different story.

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