Chapter 6: Belladonna

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"Years of love have been forgot, In the hatred of a minute

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"Years of love have been forgot,
In the hatred of a minute."
Edgar Allan Poe-
The Complete Stories and Poems


God finally answered her prayers, and dealt her punishment.

How could He? When her father's weak gaze had now withered into something that made her feel in need of protecting.

If she ever were to see him again, she planned to stab him with her wrath. She wanted to spend every minute letting him know just how much her mother mourned their love. How the summers they spent away without him killed a piece of her every time. It was proof his status mattered more. It was proof that he felt shamed by his wife and daughter. It was the honest truth that he chose his reputation over them every time. She would let him know that while he appeared strong, he was weak.

He was too late.

But how could she?

She continued to stare at his quivering hands on the pew, as they were now covered with new spots of age from too much sun. He had always kept his clothing in pristine condition, but the jacket and blouse he wore were slightly frayed at the edges. Humble. Her father inspected her back, a thorough man if anything. Curious. Always questioning. Yet never standing up for his beliefs. That much did not change.

He did not look at her like how the other humans did, with fear

No. Her father who could not look at her after her mothers death without appearing in pain smiled softly at her.

"Serafina," His voice grumbled in exhalation, as tears began to brim his eyes, "Angioletto."

The old name made her stumble back from her kneeled position, her hands catching herself on the tile. A name she had not been called since she was a young child. When she was born, her father proclaimed her to be an angel sent from heaven. A miracle placed upon their little family. How he would rebuke what she had turned into.

"I am no angel." It left her lips with little thought. She wanted to disappoint him, to scare him off. That would be vengeance enough for her to know what he had helped turn her into.

Though he sat calmly, it was apparent he knew she was not the person he once knew. Recognition flared in his eyes, at her unchanged face and bones. The lines of normal age had not crept into her face. There was her mother's beauty and grace passing onto her, and the unnatural. She was both.

Serafina's father nodded, and she caught a whiff of his tobacco scent. The smell of fall, and leaving the South and sea behind. A reminder that the world was not always sunshine and fresh linen. 

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