Jail Mates-Blood(p3)

Start from the beginning

Jayla's constant cries bring me to open my eyes, seeing her knitted eyebrows and her crossed eyes to my hand, a smile just shy of agony and devilish remembrance carving into my purple lips.

I raise my closed fist, Kasey's eyes widening and screaming nonsense to her partner. None of it makes through before I thrash the side of it to Marian's enclosed thigh beneath me. Her scream echoes and is cut short by guilt as my jagged-edged cement tile pierces her skin, just short of an artery.

"I'm gonna fucking KILL YOU!" she screeches through seethed teeth. "AHHHH," she groans miserably, her knot around my throat loosening and falling into a distraction. I gasp for a quick breath, finally catching oxygen in the net of my lungs. It was loud and piercing screams, Marian noticing and closing the gap in her knot.

I twist the piece in my grip, shoving it farther into her skin, wetness staining the inside of my palms and down my forearm. I dig the twisted cement into her, leaving sharded fragments into her flesh, spurts of blood bathing our legs. Our squirms slosh it around, covering our clothes, wet slaps reverbing against the stalls and windows. Marian's screams turned into labored and heaving moans, trying her best to tend to her wound but also to the attempt at killing me.

"You've got the WHOLE PRISON waiting to get out, and YOU can't do this one thing! If it's not me who kills you, it'll sure as hell be someone else!" she whispers loudly into my ear, her hand wrapped around my own and prying my fingers off. "Consider this a favor."

I let go, her hand piggybacking mine, and with the force, she used to pull me off, I use it to help push the tile in more-stabbing her down past a simple inconvenienced flesh wound. She slowly loosens her grip and her body decreases in intensity-she's growing weak.


I watch Billie take care of herself pretty greatly and I feel useless, whimpering into the towel gag and trying to get her attention. I close my eyes, not wanting to see her red and blue face and her bloodied body squirming its last attempts to escape and survive.

I cry louder, getting her to open her own eyes and I point my head towards her arm folded behind her and her lips curl up, her fist raising. Kasey screams to Marian, my ear bursting and I hide myself between my shoulders. Her attempts are fruitless when Billie happens to be faster, screams emerging from her attacker, and splurts of blood coming up from behind their bodies. She rolls her around in her arms, trying to pull her hand out from her thigh. Billie gasps while Marian is distracted and she tightens her grip-all while Kasey rotates her body for her best advantage to help her partner. This gives me leverage to loosen up my wrists just enough to touch hers. I wiggle my fingers enough to pinch my fingers together around her skin and roll them around very tightly. I feel wet between my nails, knowing I cut skin, and she flinches, "You little fucking shit! You cut me!" and grabs at her wrists, allowing me to loosen out of her strangling hold.

I pull my arm out and frantically pull at the towel in my mouth, dragging my body away from her grasping hands, "HELP!" I scream. I flip my body over to watch her, climbing backwards on the floor, escaping. I look behind me and watch for the wall, crawling until I have enough balance and strength to lift my legs and kick at her stomach. She falls straight into it and coughs, falling over my feet, wrapping her arms around the back of my calves and thighs. She pulls me back and drags me across the floor, my head hitting the wall and throbbing against the tiles.

She pulls me out and climbs on top of me, straddling my twisting body, her hand grabbing my wrists, desperately fighting to get out from under her. She balls her fist and punches me squarely across the jaw, my teeth grinding and pinching the delicate skin of my inner cheek-tasting the displeasing taste of iron and blood. My temple and cheekbone hit the tile, breaking skin and staining the jagged labyrinth of my hair. I spit it out, sick to my stomach now being on this side of Billie and Marian. Their clothes are smeared in red, a cow print of orange and crimson sitting in a pool. Their arms are scratched up and twisted in pulled-apart fingerprints, grabbing at each other's skin to get each other off.

I keep my head laid to the side, cringing for the next punch and the next mouth of pain. A weight is lifted off from me and I am kicked in my legs, screams, louder than before, are thrown around the room. My eyes peek to see Kasey being taken away by the guards, her legs and arms thrashing in their grip, her head a blur of hair-a smear of brown in a constantly moving picture. She's helpless.

Marian is taken away as well by another two guards and Billie and I are left on the floor, she screams my name, "JAYLA!" and we hurry to grab for each other. She holds my head and nervously looks into my eyes. I caress the fragile, crimson knot in the skin of her throat, her breath panted and hitched.

She checks my body over, patting down my hands and my hair, her tears slowly washing away the cuts on my face. I do the same, holding her hand and wondering if the blood in her palm was hers or Marian's. I assume it's both, an outline of the original blunt end of the tile is drawn in blood, pulsing slowly.

"Are you okay?" she slurs, reaching to grab my body into a hug. I nod and ask her the same, she smiles and cries, nodding.

Her body is taken away from me and she reaches out to me, my body being lifted right after hers and we are taken away from the premises.



did y'all like it? I wanted something new :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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