Chapter 4

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Second POV

"These experiments aren't going to be dangerous, right?" Second asked as he walked into a chart covering room

"No, but first, I need to ask some questions."


"Can you remember the first time you used your powers?"

Second thought for a moment.

"Not exactly. When we faced The Dark Lord for the first time, and he...uh... destroyed you guys, I remember being overwhelmed by something. It must have been my powers, but I don't remember anything."

Second notice Yellow shifted uncomfortably when he mentioned The Dark Lord.

"Well," Yellow cleared his throat, "That's interesting information. Did you felt the same way yesterday?"

"Yeah, except this time, I didn't blackout and actually remember what happened."

Yellow took a notebook from the desk and wrote some stuff down.

"I remember reading from somewhere that when weird things happen to sticks, they often associate with dreams. Have you had any strange dreams lately?"

"Well, I did have one dream."

"What was it about?"

"Well, there was this shadow monster who helped me; yellow vines that almost choked me, I almost drowned in mud, strange orbs of light in the air-"

"Woah, slow down!" said Yellow, "Nothing you just said made any sense."

"It's a very confusing dream."

"Did you have any other dreams?"

Second's mind drifted back to last night's dream.

"Yes, but I don't remember everything, only bits and pieces."

"Well, maybe as you talk about it, you'll remember more.

"I know Green was in my dream."

"Really?!" Yellow asks, surprised

"Yeah, he was acting really weird and ran away from me. Then this stick appeared. She looked exactly like me except white and told me something."

Yellow leaned forward in his chair.

"What did she tell you?"

"I...don't remember."

Yellow slumps back into his chair in disappointment.

"Your sure you can't remember it?"

Second shook his head.

"I'm sorry."

"No, it's fine," Yellow sighed, "At least I have some information to work with. We just have to move on to something else."



"This sure is one fancy pet store," Red said

The building was enormous. It had a lot of pet food, treats, beds, toys, and shampoo. A dark brown stick greeted them.

"Hello, what can I do for you today?"

"Are you Mr. Cedar?" asked Green

"I am."

"My pig went missing,"

"That's not good," said Mr. Cedar, "Did it have a collar?"


"Yeah, so sticks can find your pet if they get lost."


"Well, look like you need a couple of things to help track your pig," said Mr. Cedar, "Here, some carrots and leashes."

"Thank you so much," said Red

"Anytime! Good luck finding your pig."

S1 E2: The Great Pig RescueWhere stories live. Discover now