"Stella, oh my god, where the hell are we and why am I wearing different clothes and what the fuck happened to us and-"

Her voice broke and her terrified blue eyes filled with tears when she suddenly noticed Evan beside us, watching in amusement. She glanced uncertainly from him to me, nervously winding her blonde hair around her pinky. She leaned against me, her lips brushing my ear as she spoke.

"Why is Evan Walsh sitting there eating cornflakes? Am I dreaming again? Because if I am, then you're not supposed to be here."

She pulled away from me, and flashed Evan her most dazzling smile. He looked up at me in confusion and I sighed, grabbing her arm and guiding her towards the bedroom. I shut the door behind us and began to get dressed in my clothes from the night before, El following my every move. Once I had tied my converse, she stood up, arms folded across her chest in annoyance. I took a deep breath, preparing myself for the wave of emotions that she was about to send my way.

"Firstly you have to promise me that once we go back outside you're not going to lose your tits over the lads, okay?"

She shrugged, which made me slightly uncomfortable. She was taking the whole situation way better than I thought she would.

"So last night, at the start of the gig, I left because I needed to throw up and-"

"Wait...you left me?" she shrieked, and I winced, taking a step back from her. "Oh my God, I can't believe you left me all by myself! I could've been attacked or murdered...who knows, maybe I'm already dead and this is my purgatory! Some friend you are..."

I sighed, leaning back against the ladder to the top bunk. Dealing with Eloise was mentally exhausting and usually required vodka and coke...or maybe even some of Adam's brownies.

"Shut the fuck up; you're obviously not dead, you silly cow! And if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be standing in The Strypes' apartment wearing Pete O' Hanlon's pyjamas!"

I waited as the anger on El's face slowly dissolved from anger to confusion, until finally a small smile began to play across her lips. I breathed a sigh of relief, bending down to pick up her clothes so she could get dressed.

"So, I'm really not dreaming? The Strypes are like, right outside that door?" she said, hopping from foot to foot like she was about to piss herself.

"Well, yeah, of course they are-"

She pushed past me and grabbed the door handle, turning to giggle at me.  "Wow Stella, you're the best friend ever! I owe you big time!"

"But you promised" I whined, but she was gone and I could already hear her squealing her head off over their 'shortness'. It wasn't like she was giving them much of a chance, being just shy of 6ft herself.

I climbed half ways up the ladder to grab my phone, scoffing at the fact that the only messages I had were from my boyfriend and little brother. Clearly my mum and dad weren't the least bit worried that their only daughter could've been roaming around the streets of London, with no one but the pigeons to keep me company. I opened my inbox and scrolled through the texts, squinting so that I could read the tiny font.

Calum: Babe when u coming home?? I fuckin locked meself out again didn't I? I'm freezing me balls off!

 Toby: Stella where are you!?!? The gig was over four hours ago! And don't lie and tell me you're at Eloise's cause I know you're not!

Toby: I told dad that you were staying the night at El's...your welcome! You owe me your life! Or at least a Crunchie, so yeah bring me home a Crunchie.

Toby: If you don't come right now I'm gonna go into your room and look through your shit. And then I'm gonna throw your cello out the window!!!!

"That little twat" I laughed, scrolling through more messages, which only got more angry and vicious as he described how he'd set my skateboard on fire. There was a light knock on the door and I told whoever it was to come in as I quickly text Toby back.

Stella: U touch my board = ur dead. Stay away from my room and ill get u 5 crunchies J

"Uh, we're going for breakfast, do you wanna come?" Ross asked, hovering in the doorway. I gulped, knowing that Eloise and I had really better be going but at the same time, I could've stayed with them all weekend. Especially Ross. For some weird reason, I just wanted to know everything about him. Ross must've noticed my uncertainty and began to persuade me, not knowing that he'd won me over the minute he'd opened his mouth.

"We're going to McDonalds, and well you can't say no to an egg and bacon McMuffin" he said, grinning from ear to ear.

I stood up and linked my arm through his, ignoring the momentary look of shock that flashed across his face. At this point, I just didn't care. I was probably never going to see him again anyway so I was obviously going to make the most of it.

"Cool beans. But this time, one of you fuckers better lend me a jacket!"

A/N Sorry for the shitty chapter! And sorry I'm like dragging it out so much! Hopefully it will start to move a bit quicker soon. Oh and thank you guys so much for 1k reads! I've been on Wattpad for almost four years now and I never dreamed that I could reach that! So thank you thank you thank you xx

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