Chapter 6 New Treaty

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Chapter 6

The New Treaty

The next couple of weeks there was always a hustle around the palace. Being Tafari's shadow became routine and it seemed that she became bored with my wonder. Though daily I marveled at hers. There had been many nights where I stayed within her courters and she never came in. Rumors had it amongst the servants that she and King Haben had come to a truce and she agreed to play the part of a submitted wife in some aspects, while other say she had another young woman. I chose to believe the first.

If she was with her husband it was the proper way of things. Though my body craved her against me every night, or I longed just to taste her in my mouth again, I remembered that my duty was to care from a distance. With not being on duty as much as I use to be I was granted certain freedoms others were not. After my leg healed up and peeled properly, I was considered one of the luckiest girl at least that is what Miss Rasida said when I got the bandage removed.

"I never thought a scar would be beautiful, but Deola your scar is a beautiful work of art." I shrugged as I she placed one more ointment on it and I walked out without the heavy white cloth on my leg. Walking within the palace I got man wide eyes and stares even whispers as I walked pass a large group of the servants. I smiled as I made my way to the stables towards where Kairu was.

He neighed at me as I stroked his neck gently as we spoke in a language of our own. I heard footsteps as I looked up and saw Nyack. He looked at me a smile spreading across his face.

"I wouldn't have thought to find you here in the stables. Most women cannot bear the smell much less the horses," he said as he nodded at Kairu who nuzzled my neck playfully. I chuckled as I kissed Kairu's snout.

"Well I am not most women now am I?" I asked seductively.

"Indeed you are not my friend" His smile was genuine as he came closer to me, handing me a single red orchid. "To compliment your beauty sweet Deola," he continued as he stayed a couple feet away. His scent smelled masculine and of sweet hay.

"What a pleasure to see that you are still acquainted," Tafari's voice said as we both quickly turned and bowed almost in fear. "Rise, rise. It is quite alright and seemed innocent enough." My heart beat outside my chest as I made sure not to get hay on my scar as I stood up.

"Deola I have need of you girl," she said as she walked out the stables and I followed her not looking back to see what Nyack's faced looked like. I quickly kept at her pace as we walked through the queen's courtyard.

"You and Nyack seem very fond of each other," Tafari said as I bit my tongue as not to respond in anger about how now she showed concerned when it had been nearly six weeks since she even looked at me with eyes of concern. Not noticing she had stopped as I bumped into her.

"Are you even listening to me girl?" she said as she swiftly backhanded me with her hand. I held my face in shock as she looked at her hand realizing she had hit me. She immediately tried to comfort me, but I jumped at her raised hand again.

"Deola," she whispered so softly in a tone that made me yield as she grabbed me by my waist pulling me close. She gently grabbed my hand looking at where she slapped me. Without shame she kissed ever part of my face that was red. "I am sorry my dear. I just don't like the idea of you being attracted to Nyack, even though he is your age," the jealousy burned in her eyes.

"My queen, if this were the case, you could at least show me that you actually care for me the way you say." I said pulling away from her grasp as I fixed my clothes irritated. She smiled at me with that irritatingly evil and mischievous smile of hers.

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