Iolanthe Potter Chapter #16

Depuis le début

The scene shifts to Thee and Iola.

"My little flower," Thee cooed at his niece, "you're turning 15 tomorrow. Quite the occasion."

"It is," Iola smiled half-heartedly at her uncle, "same day as Mum's."

"You're right," Thee smiled softly, "in fact, I remember when your mother was born. We were all very excited you see. Your grandparents, my Uncle Monty and Auntie Mia, didn't have children until they were in their 80s. Your mother was born after years of rituals and potion making from your grandfather. He contributed heavily to the development of fertility in witches and wizards, but never quite managed to have a child himself. Until finally, your mother was born. We were all rather excited, despite already being adults. We had a baby cousin, and she was simply the cutest little thing. We all were anxious to be the best big cousins ever. Monty and Mia were always doting on us, having no children of their own. We wanted to pay them back by being the best to their beloved child."

"I didn't know you all felt that way," Fleamont turned to Lyetta and Nico, "is that truly how you felt? That you had to pay us back for being your aunt and uncle?"

"That's not what Thee means," Lyetta explained softly, "he means we felt that your child, one you waited so long for, deserved all the love you gave us. If we received it, then so should she. You are our aunt and uncle, our family. Family takes care family. Semper in aeternum familia. We are always and forever family."

"Oh Lyetta," Fleamont stood up, and embraced his lovely niece, "what have Effie and I done to deserve nieces and nephews like you lot?"

"A lot of good things," Nico smiled, "and a whole lot of lying to Mum and Dad about our endeavors."

"Monty!" Tina lectured, "you lied to me about my children!"

"Well you see," Fleamont desperately turned to his wife, who simply mouthed 'your on your own.'

Let's just say Fleamont wouldn't be sitting right for another hour or so.

"My grandparents had a kid in their 80s?" Iola wondered aloud, "that's rather strange."

"That was Frank's reaction," Thee laughed, "he always was one to speak his mind. Anyways, we all loved your mother dearly. We were all heartbroken when she was killed, and we were even more heartbroken that she had had to leave you. I'm not sure if you know this, but for the first year after your mother's death, we all took turns living with Sirius. We all wanted to make sure that you were okay. We would have done the same with Neville of course, had Aunty Augusta not been insistent that she could do it herself. Instead, we all visit Alice and Frank by Yule time."

"Thank you," Lydia turned to her cousins, "I'm glad that you all gave Iola a large, loving family."

"Any time cuz," Nico gave her a soft look that spoke more than words could, "she's family."

"I never knew that you all cared that much," Iola whispered, "I mean, I did, but not to that extent."

"Well we do," Thee smiled at her, "and that's why all your aunts and uncles from across the globe are cheering you on in this tournament. We've all been listening in on the wireless, and I've never been prouder to be your uncle in my life."

"Thanks Uncle Thee," Iola began tearing up, which she tried to hide, "it means a lot."

"I'm sure it does," Thee spoke comfortingly, "you're in a stressful situation. That's why I'm taking you with me to meet my friend. He's a real clever guy, and I'm sure he'll have some ideas for you."

They reached a room, and Thee knocked on the door. "Bert," he called briskly, "it's me, Thee."

"Thee who?" Albert answered, voice coming from deep within the chambers.

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