Chapter 1 - Posters

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    "Order 42, Mittens! That's you!" Danny shouted at the cat waiting for her order outside. She thanked him for the food, then went to sit at one of the small wooden tables.   
    The smell of smoked and seasoned fish wafted through the room and out the window, making its way down the street. Every day, the aroma attracted all sorts of cats from around Kitty City (which was not actually a city, the population made it a village. It was only named Kitty City because that rhymes better than Kitty Village), drawing a crowd around the little order window. The fire burning around Danny's head trailed behind him as he ran around his kitchen to cook fish, then quickly package it and bring it to the pick-up window. By now, the other cats in the community had grown used to his strange flame.
    Danny clapped his fuzzy paws together, and then waved them around the uncooked salmon before him. Flames erupted from his outstretched paws, carefully made to be so hot that it cooked the fish in 10 seconds.
Oops, wait, it caught on fire. Danny flicked his paw up, and the salmon was extinguished instantly. Unfortunately it was also burnt now. The grey cat sighed to himself. What a sad waste of food, he thought mournfully.
    Snowflake came up to the pick-up window, leaning forward on the ledge so her fluffy white arms supported her.
    "Good afternoon Danny, how's the business going?" she asked nonchalantly.
    A juvenile cat behind her exclaimed "hey, it's my order next!", to which Snowflake aptly replied "shush up, Tigger, I'll move out of the way when he calls you."
    Danny momentarily paused his busy job of replacing the salmon he had burnt.
    "Afternoon, Snowflake! Things are going mostly well, except I just set a fish on fire," he explained to his friend, lowering his ears sadly.
    "Ah, that's a shame, but it happens," she shrugged.
    Snowflake held onto her ribbon-lined straw hat to prevent it from blowing away in the sudden wind, and her sundress fluttered around wildly. The flame around Danny's head slightly flickered to the side in response to the wind outside.
    "So what time do you close up shop today?" Snowflake asked her friend.
    "Um, around five I think," he replied. He stole a glance at the clock on the wall. It was just after 4pm now, so not much longer now.
    "Order 43, Tigger where are you?" Danny called out as he came up to the window with the rolled-up salmon. Snowflake expectantly moved to the side to let Tigger grab his food. He stuck his tongue out at her as he walked away. Snowflake hissed a little in response, and then decided to ignore him.
    "I think I might be practicing some magic after I close up shop today, do you wanna see later?" Danny asked, successfully assuaging the negative mood Tigger had just inflicted on Snowflake.
    "Oh yeah, definitely!" the fluffy cat responded happily, "I do really love watching you make all the fire move, it's like watching ghosts dance."
    Danny looked at her.
    "'Like watching ghosts dance', did you get that from a book?" he asked suspiciously.
    "Yes, I did," Snowflake said with a sassy hair-flip motion, like she had seen her human do before, except without actual hair.
    Danny's ears perked up at the sound of wheels turning and feet pattering along the paved ground outside. An acute sense of hearing, courtesy of being a cat, helped him to quickly identify the source of the sound as the mailman, before it even came into view. This time, it was not delivering letters though. The white dog-sized raptor-like figure scurried along, drawing it's cart around and nailing posters to the sides of lamps, buildings, and benches all around. It seemed like it was putting too many posters in one area at a time, but there were so many in the cart that it could probably keep this up for the entire village and not run out. Cats gathered around the over-abundant posters. Gasps and murmurs arising from the crowd indicated that, whatever the posters had to say, it was significant. Several cats looked at a poster, then looked at Danny, then looked back at a poster. It was as though it said someone was wanted dead or alive, and everybody was trying to decide if he matched the picture. Did I do something illegal? Danny worriedly asked himself. His head flame quivered, which felt like a perfect match to his emotions.
    Snowflake abandoned the window to go see what was happening. Danny quickly finished smoking the basa in front of him, then ran outside to see the many posters for himself. He heard his name get whispered by many of the cats around him as he walked up to a street lamp, which worried him very much. As far as I'm aware, I didn't break any laws. Is it illegal to use magic to cook things? he thought fearfully.
    I will translate what the poster on the lamp said as best as I can, so that you may read it yourself. It said, in pretty printed text:

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