Superman - (Alternate Regret Ending - DRC)

Start from the beginning

"No I'm serious! I have pictures of her!" Harris yelled again. 

"Really?" I sat up from the couch running into Harris's lab, Spyder and Mark followed me. 

"Yeah, look at this." Harris points to his computer screen. "This group of people took a selfie in downtown Los Angeles, look who they caught in the background." It was hard to see her face, but it was her. Confirmed by her sister standing next to her. "This was posted two days ago."

"So she could still be in LA, still be in the state!" I said, relieved. "Good work, Harris."

"Hold on, there's more." Harris clicks on his computer. "Four days ago, also accidentally popped up in the back of someone's picture, also in downtowns LA. But this was yesterday. Some paparazzi saw her, her sister, and two unknowns at the Santa Monica Pier."

"Who are those guys?" Spyder wonders out loud. 

"I don't know, but if I can find out, I bet we can find Kota." Harris says.

"Wait go back," Mark waves to Harris. "Back to that last picture, look at that." Kendall was walking hand in hand with one of the two guys. 

"I can work with that!" Harris scribbles some things down on a notepad. 

"What about that!" I pointed to the other guy. "Look at his shirt." Harris clicked a key a couple times on his computer to blow up the image. 

"Ramón C. Cortines School of the Visual and Performing Arts." Mark read. 

"I can work with that too!" Harris says. 


"Okay, after some digging, I think I got this figured out." Harris had called us all back to lab after a hour or so. "The guy in this picture holding hands with Kendall is Lucas West. And according to his Instagram, he and Kendall had been seeing each other for a couple months. As for the other guy, his name is Jackson West, Lucas's younger brother. And, he's a junior at Ramón C. Cortines School of the Visual and Performing Arts. It's a private boarding school in L.A." 

A/N - It's really a public school, but this is what we're going with. 

"So that's where we start." I nod.

"Wait what do you mean by start?" Mark asks. "You want to go there?" 

"We know she's in L.A, we know where the guy goes to school, they have to be staying with Kendall's boyfriend, and I need to talk to her again." I answer. "So, yeah I want to go there."

"She left for a reason." Harris adds. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" 

"I'm the reason she left." I remind everyone. "Her note said it was best for all of us that she leaves, and I just know that's not true. We gotta try and get them to come back."

"I agree, we gotta at least talk to her." Spyder nods. "Don't worry Ryan, I miss her too."

"I mean don't we all?" I ask. 

"I don't." Mark shrugs.


"I'm sorry, I know you miss her, but I enjoy the peace and quiet around here." He says while Spyder pushed a book of the table onto Marks foot. "Ow! Mostly quiet at least."

"Well, I'm going." I say.

"In what car, I'm driving you all to Los Angeles." Mark crossed his arms. 

"I don't need a car." I looked around at the robot we were standing in. "I have the robot."

"You want to take the robot to L.A?" Mark asks. "What, park it on the Hollywood sign?" 

"That's actually a really good idea..."

"I was joking! You can't take the robot to L.A." Mark says. 

"Well, I'm going. So you either drive down there, or I take the robot."

"Fine." He unwillingly sighs.

"Yes! Thank you!"

"Only one issue." He adds. "What are we going to tell our parents? We can't tell the truth, at least not the whole truth. We can't tell mom that Harris has been trying to track Dakotas phone."

"Well, we just tell mom that we saw an instagram post that Dakota was in the background of and we want to go find her."

"You really think even if you tell her that she'll just let us drive to L.A?" Mark asks. 

"Maybe we leave, then when we're an hour down the road we tell her that we left because we wanted to get there ASAP," I answer. 

"She's going to kill us. And what are they going to tell their parents?" Mark points to Harris and Spyder. 

"That Harris is trying to tutor me." Spyder says. 

"That I'm trying to tutor Spyder." Harris follows.

"Whose side are you guys on?" Mark asks.

"The side of the person who's trying to get our best friend back." Spyder nods at me.

"Thanks guys."


After school the next day, we did what I said and took off towards Los Angeles. 

"Did you ever think about what we're going to do when we get there?" Mark asks when we're about and hour away with Harris and Spyder asleep in the back seats of Marks car. "Like how are you going find her? All we know is where the younger brother goes to school, we don't know where they actually are."

"I- hadn't thought all that far." I answer. "Look I don't know if she left with the intentions of never coming back, but that can't be the way I leave things with her. I know you two didn't always get along, and you didn't really like her, but I did. And I need to try and make things right."

"You like her?" He side eyes me with a smile. 

"No- not- not like that. I just mean she was my best friend, I can't just leave this alone." I said. 

"I mean that would make sense why you're so crazy about trying to find her." Mark continues. "Because you like her."

"No I don't." I denied. 

"Make's sense." Harris says from the back seat. Apparently they weren't asleep

"Look at us, fighting for love." Spyder says.

"That's not what this is." I laughed along with the three of them. "More than anything I do want to apologize."

"So you do like her." Mark says again. 

"That's not what I said."

"But it's what you meant."

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