04|real life

86 2 4

1 week later

Athena was a nervous wreck.

After her best friend Bash had told her, that the whole Heartstopper cast would be coming over, she started pacing through her appartment. She almost crashed her favourite vase.

She knew that if someone would be knocking on her door in this moment, that she wouldn't be able to open it.

Maybe this sounded a bit too dramatic but after she met her ex's parents, she still has the fear of meeting new people.

Her ex was a complete dick. She doesn't even want to think about him right know so she started digging through her closet, to find an outfit, which is appropriate for this ocassion.

She propaply picked out the most basic outift. It was just a black t-shirt, which suited her figure perfectly and a baggy blue jeans.

The girl walked into the bathroom and put my cross chain around her neck and tried to do her dark brown curtain bangs with a hair brush as good as possible.

Then she put concealer under her eyes, tried to draw the most perfect eyeliner and put mascara on her eyelashes.

After she was satisfied with how she looked, she went into the kitchen and put out some snacks for them to eat, out of the cupboard.

She tried to calm my nerves down, in fumbling with the hair rubber that lies around her arm.

As she was just about to put the snacks on the table in the living room, she heard a knock on the front door.

She took a deep breath, to calm down her nerves and opened the door.

Behind the door was the whole cast. She couldn't believe it. They all had huge smiles on their faces.

She hugged everyone. Bash, Yas, Will, Joe, Corinna, Kizzy, Toby, Rhea. But Kit wasn't there yet.

What if he doesn't want to spend the night with them? With her?

Maybe he got emberassed after he found out, that the best friend of his coworker had a celebrity crush on him?

She stopped making myself worried and tried to clear her head.

"Omg Thena you look gorgeous!" Yas told Athena, grinning from ear to ear. Everyone nodded. She smiled at the nickname and the nice compliment she gave her.

"Thank you, so much! But look at you, you are so stunning!" Athena complimented her. Yas wore a coloured dress, which perfectly fitted her. Her brown hair is put up into a ponytail.

"Kit just texted me, that he got lost and that he'll be there in ten minutes." Will told us without looking up from his phone. Everyone laughed.

"Typical." Joe said.

Bash sent a grin in Athena's direction and she just got more nervous.

He is actually coming to her house.


I'm so sorry that i didn't do an update in like weeks, but i'll try to update you guys. I hope that you can all understand my horrible english💀
Good night:)

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